The Kamra tal-Periti (Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers) traces its roots to the former Chamber of Architects which was established in 1920 to serve as a body for the self-regulation of one of the oldest established professions. The Chamber is somewhat unique amongst similar professional organisations in Malta since its regulatory remit and functions arise from specific Legislation. Today, the Kamra tal-Periti is established and governed by Subsidiary Legislation 390.01 which, amongst other things, specifically makes provision for the various functions that allow the Kamra to regulate the profession of Periti on a nationwide scale.
Under Chapter 390 of the Laws of Malta (Act XIV of 1996 – The Periti Act) in order to practice as a Perit in Malta, one requires a Professional Warrant in addition to the requisite academic qualifications. Although not all practising Periti are active paid-up members of the Chamber, in legal terms they are all considered members in the sense that they are subject to the provisions of Chapter 390, the Regulations in Subsidiary Legislation 390.01 and Code of Professional Conduct which forms the First Schedule of Subsidiary Legislation 390.01.
The management and day to day affairs of the Kamra are undertaken by a Council elected by paid-up members of the Chamber from amongst themselves. Subsidiary Legislation 390.01 also provides for the establishment of a Disciplinary Board by the Kamra tal-Periti which is known as the Board of Professional Conduct. The function of this Board is to carry out such investigations into complaints of alleged misconduct by Warrant Holders, referred to it by the Council and to advise the Council on what disciplinary measures to take upon concluding its investigations.