The Kamra tal Periti is a member of several professional bodies, both in specific spheres of competence or in generic professional activities. On the international scene, KTP is a member of:

UIA – Union of International Architects

The UIA is the body that groups together the architectural professionals of all the world. From its headquarters in Paris, besides organizing Conferences, competitions, congresses etc, it is constantly embarking on initiatives to promote a high standard of professionalism whilst also seeking new ways of involving Architects in the shaping of tomorrow’s world in whatever region, climate, or standard of living that is present in every area of the globe. Malta is a long standing member of UIA and of its Region 1 committee.

KTP is represented at the UIA by Perit David Pace.

ACE – Architects’ Council Of Europe

Based in Brussels, its Members are the regulatory and professional representative bodies of all European Union (EU) Member States, Accession States, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, it represents the interests of over 450,000 Architects in Europe. The principal function of the ACE is to monitor relevant policy and legislative developments at EU level, seeking to influence those areas of EU Policy that have an impact on architectural practice and on policies affecting the overall quality and sustainability of the built environment. Malta has had its first elected member on the Executive Board following the Kamra’s nomination of Perit Vincent Cassar. Perit David Felice, past President of the Kamra, was a member of the Executive Board in 2006 and was the ACE delegate on the European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP).

Perit Andre Pizzuto currently sits on the Executive Board of ACE.

UMAR – Union of Mediterranean Architects

Founded in Rabat (Morocco) in 1994, UMAR draws together national organisations representative of architects from countries in and around the Mediterranean basin. It was their awareness of belonging to a common culture, a culture shaped over thousands of years into this birthplace of civilisations that is the Mediterranean basin, that prompted architects’ organisations to create UMAR. An instrument for exchanging views and information, the association thus encourages relationships of friendship, solidarity and confraternity between all architects. The registered office of the Union of Mediterranean Architects is in Malta. Perit David Pace sits on the Executive Council of UMAR.

KTP is a founder member.

CAA – Commonwealth Association of Architects

CAA is a membership organisation for institutes representing architects in Commonwealth countries. Formed in 1965 to promote co-operation for ‘the advancement of architecture in the Commonwealth’ and particularly to share and increase architectural knowledge, it currently has 37 members. The Association is best known for its procedures for the validation of courses in architecture which convene multilateral visiting boards to schools to assess
courses against set criteria. This results in a list of qualifications recommended for recognition by members. Malta is a member of the Europe region. Perit Joeaby Vassallo represents the KTP on this institution.

KTP is a founder member.

ECCE – European Council of Civil Engineers

ECCE was created in 1985 out of the common concern of the professional bodies for Civil Engineers in Europe that the Civil Engineers working together across Europe could offer much more to assist Europe advance its built Environment and protect the natural environment. ECCE aims to promote the highest technical and ethical standards, to provide a source of impartial advice, and promote co-operation with other pan-European organisations in the construction industry. ECCE also advises and influences individual governments and professional institutions, formulates standards and achieves a mutual compatibility of different regulations controlling the profession, and formulates standards for a European Code of Conduct of the Civil Engineering Profession and disciplinary procedures applicable throughout the Union. KTP has enjoyed an observer status since 2006 and has been granted membership in 2008.

KTP is represented on ECCE by Perit Dr Jeanette Abela, who also occupies the role of Executive Board member of ECCE.

EFAP – European Forum for Architectural Policies

The European Forum for Architectural Policies is an informal network, which brings together Government Administrations, the profession and the cultural institutions in all EU Member States and at European level. Its objective is to encourage exchanges of views and experiences on the promotion of architectural policies designed to enhance building urban and landscape quality, and more generally the quality of the living environment, at both national and European level. Malta has observer status within this organisation.

MFPA – Malta Federation of Professional Assocations

The Malta Federation of Professional Associations (MFPA) was set up in 1971 by seven founding organisations. With the growth of the University of Malta, the professional population in Malta increased and more professional organisations were set up throughout the years. Today MFPA comprises of 17 professional organisations as full members and other three organisations with partial membership, representing over 10,000 professionals in Malta.

The main role of the MFPA has been established with the following aims and objectives which are still valid today:

  • the promotion of the professions;
  • the maintenance of professional standards;
  • the promotion of inter-professional relationships
  • the protection of professional rights and privileges;
  • to contribute towards the advancement of the interests of society.

KTP is represented on the MFPA Council by Perit Matthew J. Mercieca.

National Building Council

The National Building Council represents a unique partnership between the Malta Development Association and the Kamra tal-Periti. This collaboration is dedicated to setting the benchmark in the construction and property development industry in Malta.

The Council is driven by a commitment to the principles and charter that form the foundation of our collaboration agreement. We are passionately devoted to nurturing a vibrant policy committee, which serves as our compass in crafting thoughtful policies, fair criteria, robust qualifications, and clear terms for industry service providers.

Combining the rich experience and expertise of both the MDA and KTP, this partnership aims to fortify sustainability, elevate quality, and enhance safety practices within the industry. Together, we are on a mission to reshape and improve industry standards for a better future.

KTP is represented on the NBC Council by Perit Andre Pizzuto, Perit Ivynne Grixti and Perit Joeaby Vassallo

KTP also has strong working relations with the following representative bodies: