Our next Architecture Alive event is coming up and we are pleased to invite the Kamra tal-Periti members to the “Architecture Alive presents Richard England“ design talk that shall be at Palazzo de Piro, Mdina, on Saturday 23rd February 2019 at 7pm.
The project is hosted by local architectural and urban design firm studjurban and the Planning Authority with the help of Xara Catering and Palazzo de Piro and the support of Kamra tal-Periti, Places:Design & Living magazine, and Marsovin. Renowned Maltese architect Richard England, the invited speaker for the next design talk, is both a practising architect and professor. He will present a talk titled ‘From the Spirit of Place to Places of Spirit’.
The event series was successfully launched on 6th October 2018 at the Maritime Museum with one of Austria’s foremost architects Peter Lorenz and then followed by the second talk by Richard Murphy on 24th November 2018.
The third Architecture Alive design talk shall be held at Palazzo de Piro, Mdina, on Saturday 23rd February 2019. Doors open at 6.30pm and Richard England’s talk will start at 7pm. This will be followed by questions and drinks provided by Xara Catering and Marsovin. The tickets for this event may be purchased via www.ticketline.com.mt – general admission tickets cost €15.
Kamra tal-Periti paid up members may avail themselves of an exclusive offer – buy 1 ticket and get 1 for free, by following these instructions:
- Buy a ticket at https://www.ticketline.com.mt/bookings/Shows.aspx?ProductionId=636
- Send an email to studio@studjurban.com with proof of the ticket purchase and we will send you the complimentary ticket via email.
The offer is valid until the stocks lasts.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on studio@studjurban.com in case you have any further questions.
For more information please visit www.architecture-alive.com