The ACE is organising a webinar on LEVEL(S) on Monday 25 June from 12h00 to 13h00.
LEVEL(S) is a voluntary reporting framework developed by the European Commission to improve the sustainability of buildings. Using existing standards, Level(s) provides a common EU approach to the assessment of environmental performance in the built environment.
The general objective of the webinar is to explain and discuss what is Level(s), how it works and what is the possible usefulness of Level(s) for architects.
The webinar targets architects and all professionals in the building environment who are interested in sustainable construction.
– Dr. Judit KIMPIAN: Chair of the ACE Sustainability Work Group
– Josefina LINDBLOM: EU Commission (DG Environment)
– Dr. Esfand BURMAN: University College London (UCL), Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE)
– Dr. Peter Andreas SATTRUP: Senior advisor at the Danish Association of Architectural Firms
– 12h00: Welcome and Introduction by Judit KIMPIAN
– 12h05: Josefina LINDBLOM – General introduction into Level(s)
– 12h15: Esfand BURMAN – Level(s): the benefits of a holistic approach to building performance data
– 12h25: Peter Andreas SATTRUP – What is the possible usefulness of Level(s) for architects?
– 12h35 : Josefina LINDBLOM: How to engage in the testing phase of Level(s)?
– 12h40: Discussion with the online audience
– 13h00: End
To register, please send an email to contact@buildup.eu
The link to join in the webinar will be circulated to registered participants in due course.