The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti is hereby notifying all members of the profession that it is accepting nominations for candidates to contest the election for the Periti Warranting Board as per the Periti Warranting Board Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 622.02).

This  election will be held to fill the vacant positions on the Periti Warranting Board pursuant to the Periti Act, Cap. 622: one candidate shall be elected from the list of Periti Arkitetti in the warrant register, and another candidate shall be elected from the list of Periti Inġiniera Ċivili in the warrant register. The candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected to occupy the position of elected representatives on the Warranting Board.

The candidate obtaining the highest tally of votes will occupy the position of elected representative for a full three-year term, while the candidate with the second highest tally of votes will occupy the position for a half-term of eighteen months as envisaged in the same regulations.

Both elected candidates will automatically also take the seat on the Periti Warranting Board formed under the partially repealed Periti Act, Cap. 390.

Interested candidates, who should be in possession of a warrant for at least 8 (eight) years, are to fill in the form included with this notice countersigned by two periti as nominators, and submit it via email on by Friday 28th February 2025 at 6pm.

The lists of candidates for the election shall be published, together with the names of the nominators, by 3rd March 2025.

The electronic election will be held online on Monday 17th March 2025 between 9am and 5pm.

In accordance with the regulations, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti has nominated Notary Dr Christian Meilak as the election official, to supervise and monitor the validity and impartiality of the process, and to receive and determine all contestations and other related matters.

All periti entitled to vote shall receive their electronic ballot via email. A perit may receive one or two ballots, depending on whether that perit is included on one or both lists in the warrant register (Perit Arkitett and/or Perit Inġinier Ċivili). If you feel you are entitled to vote or there is an error in your ballot, please contact the election official on

These elections are being held with the support of the Parliamentary Secretariat for Public Works and the Periti Warranting Board.