The organisers of the 16th ECEE Conference to be held in Thessaloniki between 18 and 21 June 2018 will be covering the following topics:
1. Seismic Hazard, Engineering Seismology and Strong Ground Motion
2. Soil Dynamics
3. Site Effects and Microzonation Studies
4. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
5. Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction
6. Performance-Based Design of Structures
7. Laboratory, In-Situ Testing and Structural Health Monitoring of Structures
8. Large Scale Facilities for Earthquake Engineering purposes
9. Seismic Design and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
10. Seismic Design and Analysis of Steel Structures
11. Seismic Design and Analysis of Masonry Buildings
12. Seismic Design and Analysis of Bridges
13. Seismic Design and Analysis of Special Structures
14. Seismic Retrofit and Strengthening of Structures
15. Tsunamis and Risk Assessment of Structures and Infrastructures
16. Seismic Performance and Retrofit of Historical Monuments
17. Active and Passive Structural Control Systems
18. Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
19. Risk Assessment of Critical Buildings, Infrastructures, Utility Systems and Industrial Facilities
20. Economic and Societal Models for Earthquake Loss Assessment and Mitigation
21. Civil Protection and Earthquake Risk Mitigation Policies and Methodologies
22. Eurocode 8 and Seismic Design Codes
23. Lessons from Recent Earthquakes
24. New Generation, Performance and Resilience Based Design of Structures and Systems
Special Sessions are dedicated to important topics related to earthquake engineering and engineering seismology research and practice that complement the topics of the main sessions. Of particular importance is the presentation and panel discussion on cutting edge research activities and best practices in Europe and worldwide in earthquake engineering, risk assessment and management.
The Organizing Committee of the 16ECEE is happy to announce the following Special Sessions:
SS01. EU – China cooperation in earthquake engineering and risk
organized by Lanmin Wang, Sun Baitao, Jian-Min Zhang, Lu Xilin, K. Pitilakis, A. Pavese, G. Tsionis
SS02. Resilient Cities – Civil protection
organized by International & Local Authorities
SS03. Development of the 2nd generation Eurocode 8
organized by P. Bisch, A. Correia
SS04. Borehole vertical arrays: existing sites, new developments, recent results and usefulness for engineering seismology
organized by P-Y. Bard, F. Hollender, O.J. Ktenidou
SS05. Outcomes and challenges of a research & development program (SIGMA) for seismic hazard assessment in low-to-moderate seismicity regions
organized by G. Senfaute, C. Durouchoux
SS06. Risk analysis of major hazard industrial facilities and metamaterials-based shields for enchanced resilience
organized by O.S. Bursi, F. Paolacci
SS07. Residual risk in earthquakes: are current protection levels appropriate?
organized by F. Wenzel, M. Koller
SS08. New technologies for seismic-resistant bridge columns
organized by K. Mackie, A. Kappos
SS09. Seismic isolation and energy dissipation in civil structures
organized by P. Clemente, G. Benzoni
SS10. Performance-based earthquake engineering in practice: Is it worth the trouble?
organized by D. Vamvatsikos, C. Adam
SS11. Recent advances for improving the seismic performance of nonstructural elements (tentative title)
organized by E. Miranda, T. Sullivan, C.S. Oliveira, M. Lopes
SS12. Dynamics and seismic response of rocking and self-centering structures
organized by E. Dimitrakopoulos, M. Vassiliou, M. DeJong, M. Fragiadakis
SS13. Advances and applications of inertial, viscous, and regenerative damping devices for the seismic protection of structures
organized by A. Giaralis, A. Taflanidis
SS14. Recent advances in earthquake protection technologies
organized by H. Sucuoğlu, M. Calvi
SS15. Earthquake repair/retrofit costs
organized by M. Di Ludovico, C. Del Vecchio
SS16. Seismic risk and resilience of critical infrastructure
organized by A. Sextos, F. Cavalieri, S. Argyroudis
SS17. Religious monumental masonry structures in seismic areas: assessment, retrofit, numerical and experimental evaluation
organized by C. Spyrakos, M. Corradi
SS18. Seismic modelling of masonry buildings: present knowledge and open challenges for research and practice
organized by S. Cattari, G. Magenes
SS19. New trends on evaluation and retrofitting of infilled frames under seismic demands (tentative title)
organized by E. Vintzileou, F. Da Porto, H. Varum, P. Ricci
SS20. Integrated renovation strategies targeting sustainability, safety and resilience of existing buildings
organized by P. Negro, A. Marini
SS21. Assessment of earthquake vulnerability and risk at national, regional and global scale
organized by V. Silva/GEM
SS22. Induced seismicity in Groningen area (tentative title)
organized by H. Krijgsman, J. White, I.E. Bal, E. Smyrou
SS23. Software for loss estimation: developments and applications
organized by N. Makhoul, S. Argyroudis
SS24. 40 years commemoration of Thessaloniki 20/6/1978 earthquake
organized by the Local Organising Committee