The preamble to DC15 describes it as a “positive document” intended to “enable innovative and creative urban and architectural designs that are framed within the important urban design parameters, which in turn are tailor-made to the unique Maltese territory, its urban areas and landscape.” It also states that DC15 is intended to “encourage and stimulate urban and architectural design that is respectful of, and that enriches, its existing context while also being forward-looking, quality-oriented and energy-conscious.“
Three years down the line, has the planning process achieved these ideals? Has it supported these goals, or has it hindered their achievement? Are these objectives being promoted or are other interests taking precedence?
The Kamra tal-Periti invites you to a workshop for Periti to discuss these issues and to analyse the current state of play in terms of quality of the built environment.
Periti are invited to submit examples of situations where planning policies and procedures were instrumental in achieving a better quality design proposal, and where they were a hindrance to achieving their design proposal. Periti who are interested in sharing their experience are to submit their projects in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (not more than 5 slides per project), by the 15th September 2018, and will be allocated a maximum of 5 minutes to present their experience.
The Council reserves the right to limit the total number of projects presented in the interest of time.
Participation Fee:
Student Members – Free
Graduate Members – €5.00
Paid up Members – €12.00
Non Paid up Members – €20.00
Payment Options:
Print a copy of the confirmation email, attach cheque payable to “Kamra tal-Periti”, and mail it to the following address:
Kamra tal-Periti
The Professional Centre
127, Sliema Road
Gzira GZR 1633
Send payment by electronic bank transfer to the following IBAN number:
Bank of Valletta
IBAN MT02VALL22013000000015805515015