Good design is not about subjective stylistic decisions or producing extravagant schemes. The appearance of our built environment is important, but good design is about much more than how things look. It is about uplifting communities and transforming how people feel and behave. It is about smart thinking, using resources effectively and imaginatively, and integrating within larger planning and local objectives.

Good design is about building and spaces which are fit for purpose and will last. It is about creating developments which are compatible and suitable to a location, which respond to their surroundings and which promote inclusion and cohesions. It is about responding to environmental initiatives and creating spaces and places that a community will enjoy and be proud of.

There is currently no formal forum for debating design in a constructive and impartial manner. The assessment of development proposals needs to shift away from mere compliance to a set of purely quantitative checklists – a practice largely responsible for driving the mediocrity in our built environment – towards a more qualitative analysis of development proposals. All stakeholders need to place the public’s well-being at par with their particular interests.

As part of our mission to improve the quality of the built environment, we are proud to launch the Kamra tal-Periti Design Review, starting with a a series of mock processes to serve as a catalyst for the fully-fledged system, and to inform the setup thereof. The objective of the KTP Design Review is that of assisting periti and clients in achieving a high-quality design outcome leading to an official endorsement of the project.

The first Design Review sessions will take place on the mornings of the 3rd, 4th and 5th December 2019, at the Orpheum in Gzira. Submissions for consideration are to be received by the 29th November 2019 through Periti are invited to review the submission regulations below.