
CIR 01/25 | Revised Road Works Permit

Several periti have brought to the attention of the Council a new form Transport Malta (TM) has recently issued for road works permits (RWPs). Such permits are required whenever works affecting road surfaces are necessary. A common scenario for such an application is for drainage connections of new builds and service ducts.

Periti are advised that although the form needs to be filled by a perit, this does not in any way imply that it should be the perit in charge of the building project who should perform this service.

Indeed, road works can only be carried out by a restricted number of contractors authorised by TM to do so, who normally have their own in-house or sub-contracted periti. These road contractors can be found on TM’s website here.

Given that the perit of the building project was engaged solely to perform services related to the building, s/he is under no obligation to accept to provide additional services that fall outside the scope of the project or the scope of their contractual agreement with their client/s, such as filing RWP applications.

It is recommended that such RWP applications are filed by periti employed or sub-contracted by the road contractors for this purpose given the specialised nature of the task.

Regardless of who files the application form, the Council recommends anyone intending to sign such forms to consult with their PII provider to ensure that their policy covers them, particularly in view of the declarations periti are being asked to sign in the form.

It is pertinent to note that TM failed to consult the Kamra on this new form.


Perit André Pizzuto