KTP writes to PS Chris Agius about outstanding matters related to the PA

The Kamra tal-Periti has written to Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Planning, regarding several outstanding issues related to the Planning Authority that are still not satisfactorily addressed. They include:

  • Lack of adequate consultation with KTP regarding amendments to the Development Notification Order, despite the Planning Authority’s legal obligation;
  • The addition of permit conditions that are completely unrelated to planning, which are placing Periti in an impossible position to certify legality of buildings, and shifting the responsibility of Government enforcement onto Periti;
  • The grave concerns surrounding the status of CTB concessions;
  • The extensive delays in processing of planning applications caused by the lack of adequate resources granted to the SCH;
  • Circular 2/17 which makes it impossible for property buyers to appoint a Perit of their choice;
  • The need to correct the discrepancy between Inland Revenue’s UCA tax incentive schemes and the issuance of UCA certificates by the PA;
  • The failure of the Users’ Committee, of which the KTP is a member, to meet;
  • KTP’s concerns on the functioning and composition of the DAC.


nZEB European community launched

The ABRA Community is a European network of stakeholders that believe in investing in building renovation through AdoRES (new Additions and Renewable Energy Sources) to achieve and finance a nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) and creating synergies between old and new, while raising the architectural quality. The network was created within the framework of the EU funded Horizon 2020 ABRACADABRA project that ACE is a partner in (find more information here).

It includes a variety of actors such as: housing cooperatives, policy-makers and public sector, architects, construction companies, ESCOs, property owners, building managers, research and financial institutions as well as other building practitioners etc.

Being part of the community allows you to be updated on project achievements, get access to the free project toolkits to test them in your project, learn about case study buildings and be part of a paradigm change in building renovation towards nZEB and much more.


As a member of ACE, the Kamra tal-Periti supports this project.


Building in Safety seminar fully booked

St Benedict College call for periti to host students in ‘Career Exposure Experience’

St Benedict College (Kirkop) has issued a call for periti to host secondary school students in their “Career Exposure Experience” programme.

Mr Natalino Mallia, Principal Education Support Officer, stated that “In the past eight scholastic years, St Benedict College organised the ‘Career Exposure Experience’ for boys and girls in Form 4. Every year, the outcomes are extremely positive and encouraging. Over 1600 students had participated in this work experience. This project is of particular benefit to each and every student’s career development. For this reason, St Benedict’s College is taking the initiative to re-organise this unique opportunity to all students boys and girls in Form 4.”

The project will be organised spread over two weeks:

  • Week 1 : 20th to 24th November 2017
  • Week 2 : 4th to 7th December 2017


Throughout the scholastic year, St Benedict College is involved in the organisation of a range of career exercises, educational fairs, vocational activities and career orientation visits related to ‘Career Information’ for students from Form 1 to Form 5.


During the ‘Career Exposure Experience’ the students are:

  • introduced to the world of work. They will acquire knowledge of the job market and career opportunities in different sectors.
  • expected to abide to the rules and responsibilities at the work place such as punctuality at work, working with a group of people and accountability;
  • exposed to new career paths which is very important when making choices for their future career;
  • not paid for any services/work carried out during the work experience;


Mallia advised that “It is highly recommended that the work experience will be carried out during school hours which is between 08:15 – 14:00 (the hours can be adjust according to necessities). The number of placements offered to students is left at your discretion.”


“On behalf of the St Benedict College, I would also like to propose that a ‘Career Exposure Experience Agreement Form’ which is signed by the Head of School will be signed by a representative acting on your behalf and who will be responsible for the students during this experience. Staff at college and school level will be visiting students during the one week in order to mentor and support them.


“I am confident that this experience will also be of benefit to the business community in that employers will find a better prepared workforce in the future. On behalf of my college, I would like to thank you in advance for your sincere collaboration and support for providing our students the opportunity to experience life at the place of work.”


For further information please contact Ms Graziana Cauchi on graziana.cauchi@ilearn.edu.mt or 25984019 / 25984016 / 25984026 .


The Kamra tal-Periti supports this initiative and encourages its members to provide the opportunity to the students to gain insight into the profession and hopefully become the architects and civil engineers of the future.

Courts Registrar issues new call for Experts for 2018

The Registrar of the Courts of Justice of Malta has issued a call for Court Experts in terms of Art. 89 of Chapter 12 of the Laws of Malta.

The Kamra tal-Periti is hereby notifying all interested members of the profession to submit their nomination for 2018 through the registration form below.

Deadline for the submission of nominations was 23rd October, 2017.


Huntingford building integrated in proposed Xewkija Business Hub

The Planning Board has approved a planning application for the development of a business hub in Xewkija on the site formerly occupied by the Milk Marketing Union (MMU). The approved development includes the integration of Huntingford’s buildings within the new development. The Kamra tal-Periti had campaigned strongly for the protection of this modernist building during the public consultation process.

Earlier this year, the Planning Authority had announced the scheduling of the building at Grade 2 level.

Photo Credit: Planning Authority