Kamra tal-Periti celebrates World Architecture Day, World Habitat Day and European Engineers Day

World Architecture Day is celebrated on the first Monday of October each year. The theme chosen by the International Union of Architects for this year is “Climate Change Action!” The threat of climate change is real. Rapid urbanisation and building developments are increasing our fuel energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Architects have an important role to play in combating the impact of climate change on the environment and humanity, and are called to mobilise efforts to respond to the initiatives of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement.


The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October as World Habitat Day, and this year’s theme is “Housing Policies: Affordable Homes”. A worldwide analysis of accommodation affordability over the last 20 years reveals that despite increasing demand, residential properties for sale and for rent have been largely unaffordable for the majority of the world population. Ensuring affordability of residential accommodation is a complex issue of strategic importance for development, social peace and equality. Promoting sound housing policies is also crucial for climate change, resilience, mobility and energy consumption.


European Engineers Day will be commemorated on the 5th October, and will focus on the theme “Concerns about Engineering Excellence”. The impact of engineers is visible in every aspect of human life, and engineers have the ability to enhance and change society. Many of the challenges faced by society today depend on the availability of excellent engineering solutions, and thus engineers are called to acknowledge this role and to deliver their services and innovative solutions with excellence.


All three commemorations have two common threads: the need for architects and engineers to recognise their particular role in society and the influence they have on combating some of the world’s most difficult problems, and the need for quality housing, affordable housing and engineered solutions that improve people’s quality of life and combat climate change.

In order to commemorate these three important dates, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti, in collaboration with the Society of Architecture and Civil Engineering Students (SACES) will be launching Awards for the graduates of the Faculty for the Built Environment. This is the first time that these Awards are being held, and judging of final year projects and dissertations will take place this week. The students’ work will be exhibited to the public during Notte Bianca on the 7th October through to the 15th October, at the University of Malta Valletta Campus. The winners will be announced during an Awards ceremony to be held in January 2018.

The Kamra tal-Periti is establishing this Awards scheme to celebrate good quality, sustainable, and ethical design in architecture and civil engineering, particularly at a time when the rush to build is not accompanied by sufficient thought and care about what we are leaving behind for future generations.

Thomas Vonier elected UIA President

American architect Thomas Vonier has been elected UIA President by the UIA General Assembly, which took place in Seoul, Korea, from 7 to 10 September 2017. Thomas Vonier will undertake the presidency of the International Union of Architects for the triennial period 2017-2020. He succeeds Malaysian architect Esa Mohamed.

Between 2011 and 2014, Thomas Vonier, has been Region III Vice-president and Secretary General from 2014 to 2017.

Thomas Vonier (FAIA, RIBA) is a Paris and Washington DC based architect and the founding president of AIA Continental Europe (1994-1995). He was the first president of the AIA International Region and he became president of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 2017.

“The UIA needs continuity of leadership, to innovate and TO improve. With your other elected leaders, I have led in restoring the UIA to its rightful place as an influential global force, while managing costs. Fees are down by half. We are having great impact. Our membership is growing. The world demands a strong voice, and that requires the closest professional bonds. My promise: elevate the global stature of architecture and engage world leaders. My purpose: unify our profession around the planet, influence world bodies through effective policies and great programmes, and advance architecture. The UIA is the only body of its kind, with a great past and a bright future. Architecture knows no boundaries. We are unified in our purpose: improve human conditions, everywhere, for everyone. As your president, I will provide knowledge, determination, and global leadership.”

2017-2020 UIA BUREAU

The UIA General Assembly also elected new Bureau members for the 2017 – 2020 triennial period:

  • President: Thomas VONIER, USA
  • Immediate Past President: Esa MOHAMED, Malaysia
  • Secretary General: Serban TIGANAS, Romania
  • Treasurer: Fabián LLISTERRI, Spain
  • Vice-president Region I: Lorenz BRÄKER, Switzerland
  • Vice-president Region II: Nikos FINTIKAKIS, Greece
  • Vice-president Region III: Roberto SIMON, Brazil
  • Vice-president Region IV: Jong RHUL HAHN, Korea
  • Vice-president Region V: Mohamed MUNYANYA, Kenya


The UIA General Assembly has elected Copenhagen (Denmark), as the host city of the 29th UIA Congress in 2023. The next congress will take place in Rio de Janeiro, in 2020 on the theme: “All Worlds. One World. Architecture in the 21st Century”.

Launch of the XII Din L-Art Ħelwa Architectural Heritage Award Scheme 2017

The XIII Din l-Art Ħelwa Architectural Heritage Award Scheme for 2017 is now open for entries.  The Award Scheme is an initiative set up by the organisation to encourage architectural excellence in a Maltese context, the rehabilitation and reuse of old buildings, and the recognition of the dedicated work of those active in the field of restoration.   The scheme is carried out with the support of the Kamra tal-Periti.

Eligible projects include the restoration or conservation of buildings, the adaptation of buildings to new uses, building additions or alterations, or new building projects in conservation areas. The projects can relate either to a single building, a complex of buildings, or to a historic urban environment or townscape. The project will be judged on the quality of the work executed, its historic, cultural, educational and social relevance, the preliminary research conducted and the aesthetic and visual merit. The project may be on a scale ranging from small to large, and should display a standard of work which would be outstanding in a Maltese context.

Submissions for the XIII Din l-Art Ħelwa Architectural Heritage Award Scheme should be for projects completed in the last year up to the 31 August, 2017.  Submissions must be received at Din l-Art Ħelwa, 133 Melita Street, Valletta by Tuesday 31 October, 2017.

For further information please call 21 220358/21 225952 or email info@dinlarthelwa.org



KTP consulted about possible V18 works restrictions

Over the past few weeks, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti was informed that a few members were contacted by the office of the Parliamentary Secretary for Consumer Protection and Valletta 2018, or other government departments, regarding construction works that are currently ongoing or planned to be executed in Valletta between January and December 2018. In light of these reports, the Council requested a meeting with Hon. Deo Debattista in order to seek clear guidance on this matter.

As the host of the European Capital of Culture during 2018, Malta will be organising most of the events and activities in and around Valletta. For this reason the Parliamentary Secretariat responsible for Valletta 2018 is seeking to ensure that certain heavy equipment, particularly cranes, are not erected in the streets of Valletta during this time. Also, any works or equipment affecting the streets of the capital city are to be kept to a minimum.

In view of this, the Parliamentary Secretariat has set up a contact point where those who are intending to carry out works during this period can seek further information or clarification on what is permissible. Furthermore, it is important that works are notified to the Secretariat well in advance in order to avoid clashes with any activities or events taking place in the vicinity.

Members are advised to alert any of their clients who are planning works during this period in Valletta to get in touch with Mr Olaf Mckay on olaf.mckay@gov.mt or on 2247 9935.

Third Edition of the Baku International Prize

The International Union of Architects (UIA) has announced that the Third Edition of the Baku International Prize, supported by the UIA, is now open for entries.

This innovative, biennial award recognises achievement in urban planning and architecture, focusing on composition, volumetric and spatial solutions. Participants are invited to submit projects in the following categories:

A – Best implemented project in the architecture of public buildings;
B – Best implemented project in the architecture of residential buildings;
C – Best implemented interiors;
D – Best non-realised project;
E – Best implemented project in the field of landscape architecture;
F – Best implemented project in the field of rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings;
G – Best publication in the field of architecture;
H – Best work in the field of architecture journalism and criticism (online and print)

The Second edition of the Award in 2015 enjoyed participation of 34 countries and the award winners came from 12 countries; Bangladesh, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Vietnam, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

The deadline for entries has been extended until 15 September 2017.


For more information on prizes, submission requirements, and timelines please visit the official Awards page by clicking on button below.


UPDATED / Lands Authority issues call for Periti for the provision of valuations – Deadline extended

The Lands Authority has issued a call for Expression of Interest for Periti to form a pool of valuers for the valuation of real estate held by the State. This is being done in view of the legal obligation for properties above €400,000 to be valued by three independent Periti under the recently approved Government Lands Act.

Deadline has been extended to Friday 15th September 2017 at 5pm.

For further information about the call and how to submit your application, please follow the link below.

KTP reps on BICC Working Groups announced

Following a call issued by the Council for members of the profession to represent it on the five BICC Working Groups in July, the KTP has informed the nominees formally in writing about its selection.

Advisory Board

The BICC forum consists of 25 stakeholders within the sector.  There are members who are Regulators, Educational Institutions, Employers, Workers’ representatives through unions, Developers, Financial Institutions, and the Professionals. The Kamra tal-Periti is one of three professional chambers represented on the BICC.

KTP’s representatives on the BICC Advisory Board are Perit Simone Vella Lenicker and Perit Amber Wismayer.

Working Groups

To function better the BICC has 5 Working Groups which are: Education, Training, Classification and Registration;  Property Market;  Regeneration of Property;  Research and Innovation; and Building Regulations and EU Directives; each working group has its own coordinator.  Furthermore, there are also a number of ad-hoc committees such as the Eurocode Technical Team, The Skill-Card team; and the Comfort in the home team.

Building Regulations & EU Directives

This working group oversees the revision and implementation of building regulations in Malta, as well as monitors the introduction of EU Directives affecting the building industry and consults accordingly. KTP’s representatives on this working group are Perit Philip Grech and Perit Andre Pizzuto.


Regeneration of Property

The purpose of this working group is to analyse how vacant properties can be upgraded to stimulate demand.  It also forwards proposals to Government on incentive schemes to encourage owners to refurbish their old properties. KTP’s representatives on this working group are Perit Amber Wismayer and Perit Eve Degiorgio.


​Property Market

This working group is currently working on the creation of a Property Price Index. KTP’s representatives on this working group are Perit Simone Vella Lenicker and Perit George Farrugia.

Research & Innovation

This working group promotes research and innovative materials suitable for the local market. KTP’s representatives on this working group are Perit Konrad Xuereb and Perit Rebecca Dalli Gonzi.

Education & Training

This working group is composed of educational institutions, professions, workers’ representatives and employers with the objective of creating courses for those involved in the sector and the general public. It is currently working on the introduction of the Skill-Cards.​ KTP’s representatives on this working group are Perit Luke Lapira and Perit Rene Cutajar.

New Lifts Regulations to come in force on 1st September 2017

The three year transitory period between the old lifts regulations EN 81-1:1998 and the new regulations EN 81-20:2014 will come to an end on 31st August, 2017.


The main changes consist in:

  • Greater refuge space requirements in the lift pit and on the car top within the headroom;
  • Increased protection from failing from the car roof;
  • Enhanced strength requirements in the well walls and doors;
  • Additional pit safety features;
  • Improved counterweight safety, notably counterweight safety gear requirements;
  • Overall increased safety for engineers, inspectors and any persons having to enter the lift well as part of their job role;
  • Increased safety for passengers.

Any new lift that is registered with the MCCAA after 31st August, 2017, must conform to the new regulations


A series of practice guidelines will be published on this website in the coming weeks.

KTP meets Ian Borg & Chris Agius