

PR 23/19 | Kamra tal-Periti marks the centenary of the Architects’ Ordinance with the 2019 edition of the Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia

Verzjoni bil-Malti

It was on the 25th July 1919 that Herbert Plumer, then Governor of Malta, brought into force the Architects’ Ordinance, which governed the profession of Land Surveyor and Architect and paved the way for the establishment of the profession of Architect and Civil Engineer (Perit) as we know it today. This year, the Kamra tal-Periti is therefore celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Ordinance, and is marking this special occasion with the second edition of its Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia.

The Premju Galizia was first launched in 2018, the culmination of a long-held ambition of the Kamra to award excellence in architecture, civil engineering, urban regeneration and interior design. In this year’s edition, the Kamra is once again also awarding the best emerging practice, as well as launching two new categories, one for multiple dwelling projects having three or more units, and one for the best international project carried out by a locally warranted perit.

Following a shortlisting process which took place earlier this month, the finalists will now present their projects to various panels of judges. The 2018 cohort of graduates of the Faculty for the Built Environment will also be presenting their Master of Architecture and Master of Engineering theses and dissertations, after also having gone through a shortlisting process last October. The presentations are open to the public and will be held at the Phoenicia Hotel between Monday 22nd and Wednesday 24th July as per the program at this link:

The final Awards will be presented during a Gala Dinner to be held on the 25th July 2019, which will also be accompanied by an outdoor exhibition of the finalist projects which will be installed near the Christ the King monument in Floriana, and which will remain open until the 2nd August 2019.

This year’s Premju Galizia is sponsored by JM Vassallo Vibro Steel Ltd and Satariano, and supported by Brands International Ltd, Halmann Vella, Vivendo Group, AX Group, Bathroom Design Malta, Creations, Light Design Solutions and Simonds Farsons Cisk.


Notes to press:

The press are invited to attend the public presentation sessions which will be held as per the program at this link: It would be appreciated if you could include this link in your reporting to encourage the public to attend.

Further information about the Awards including the 2019 finalists can be found here:

Last year’s winners can be viewed here:


CIR 10/19 | Follow up on EGM decisions

Dear Colleagues,

Following the Extraordinary General Meetings held on the 21st June 2019 and the 5th July 2019, the Council has been busy discussing a way forward with Government. Progress has been made on a number of issues, while others remain open for discussion.

Follow up on EGM of the 21st June 2019

Those of you who were present for the first EGM of the 21st June 2019 will remember that this was held on the last day of the public consultation on the draft of the subsequently published LN 136 of 2019. There were a number of points which the profession unanimously agreed required to be addressed, and three overriding matters which the profession confirmed to be unacceptable. These concerned:

  • the lines of responsibility between the owner / developer, the contractor and the perit in charge following the introduction of the figure of the Site Technical Officer and certain text in the draft which contradicted other legislation and historically established lines of responsibility;
  • the reports and studies required to be submitted, which at the time were considered to be overly onerous for certain small to medium projects; and
  • the urgent need for registration, licensing and classification of contractors.

Circular 05/19 was issued on the 26th June 2019 with detailed explanations of each of these points and the situation as at that date. You may read the Circular here.

Following on the Council’s insistence regarding the third point, on the morning before our second EGM, Government announced that registration of contractors would be undertaken as from the 10th July 2019 by the Building Regulation Office (BRO), and that licensing and classification would be in place by the end of the year. This step was announced at a joint press conference headed by Minister Ian Borg and Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius, flanked by the Kamra tal-Periti as the main promoters of this step, and the Malta Developers Association.

It later transpired that the BRO abdicated its obligations with regard to setting up a register of contractors, passing this task on to the Malta Developers Association, in what seems to be merely an exercise in collection of data, and not registration as originally requested by the Kamra, and as already required by the Building Regulation Act. While it may be argued that this process is not in line with the Act, it is nevertheless a start, and we hope that we will see the ultimate goal of enacting a system of licensing and classification coming into force by December. In this regard, the Council has taken a pro-active approach by drafting proposals for a Legal Notice to establish a workable system that will also lead to better tendering processes and to clear identification of contractor competences. We are working incessantly to ensure that this comes to fruition in the coming months.


Follow up on EGM of the 5th July 2019

During the second EGM held on the 5th July 2019, the Council presented the progress that had been achieved on the points outlined above and on others which the profession had tasked it to work on following the first EGM.

It was noted that while the Legal Notice in its entirety required various adjustments, also to bring it in line with already established local and international practices, and to ensure that it is a workable legislative instrument which truly ensures public safety, there were a number of points which were more important than others and which required immediate attention. The below is a summary of such points, together with a brief outline of the progress achieved to date on each:

  • Lines of responsibility between the developer, the perit in charge and the contractor: The Legal Notice contradicts historically established practices, both locally and internationally. On this matter the Council is currently in discussions with the Ministry and the BRO, to address the anomalies highlighted by the Kamra on several occasions.
  • Definition of perit in charge: The definition stated in the Legal Notice is: “the perit that is going to assume responsibility for the execution of the project approved in the development permit.” As agreed by the EGM, the perit in charge is not, and has never been, responsible for the execution of the project. That is the contractor’s sole responsibility. The role of the perit in charge is to design, specify, direct, monitor and approve the works, as well as to assume responsibility for the permanent structure. It is therefore important that the definition in the Legal Notice is amended to reflect this. The Council is, concurrently, working with the BRO on establishing guidance regarding the roles and responsibilities on construction sites, however until this exercise is concluded it is imperative that the definition is changed.
  • The role of the Site Technical Officer (STO): This role is defined in the Legal Notice, and includes the requirement for the STO to be “present on site whenever decisions are being taken that influence the risk of damage to third party property or injury to persons that may be caused by the works“. However, the definition of the STO’s role also requires her/him to be “responsible for the enforcement of the method statement covering the works which the contractor who nominates him is responsible for.” The “enforcement” of the method statement automatically implies that the STO’s presence on site is much more onerous than being there only when decisions are taken (also considering that the word “decisions” is not really defined). The Legal Notice also implies that if the contractor does not abide by the method statement, the STO may be held responsible, in her/his professional capacity, for the contractor’s failures. It must, in any case be stressed that having an STO on site should not detract from any of the obligations of the perit in charge to monitor the works regularly in order to ascertain that they are compliant with her/his specifications.
  • The requirement that the Site Technical Officer (STO) is to be approved by the perit in charge: Legal advice obtained by the Kamra has indicated that this requirement may give rise to possible exposure to colpa in eligendo as a result of the approval of an expert appointed by a third party. The EGM agreed that this matter can be easily resolved by having an official list of persons, including periti and other professionals who register with the BRO to offer the services of an STO. Once these persons are approved by the BRO, there is no need or reason for the perit to approve or otherwise who the contractor decides to appoint to take on this role. It is an established fact that any service provider is responsible to engage competent persons to provide the services requested, and there is no logical reason why the perit must approve who the contractor engages.
  • Competences required to carry out the role of STO: At the moment, the Legal Notice only contemplates periti as being capable to carry out this role. Government has already indicated its intention to extend the competences to include Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and others. On this matter, the Council had presented a list of other competences for Government’s consideration, also keeping in mind Malta’s obligations in terms of the Services in the Internal Market Directive, since the Legal Notice appears to exclude the participation of foreign professionals for this specific role. It is understood that these proposals are being actively considered.
  • Works Specifications vs Method Statement: On this matter, there is agreement across the profession that the Method Statements as described in the Schedules should be split into two parts, namely: Works Specifications which are prepared by the perit in charge and which specify the interventions to be carried out on the site; and a Works Method Statement which is to be prepared by the contractor.
  • Distinction between temporary and permanent works: One of the main concerns with the Legal Notice is that it does not make any distinction between the “permanent works“, i.e. the final building structure, and the “temporary works”, i.e. the process of erecting such structure. The former is the responsibility of the perit, while the latter is the responsibility of the contractor, under the perit‘s direction. Ultimately, the perit and the contractor carry joint liability for the structural integrity of the final structure in terms of the Civil Code. The terms “permanent works” and “temporary works” are internationally well defined, and are also used locally in a number of projects. Clarifying the works falling under each aspect would make it easier to clarify roles and responsibilities for each.
  • Regulations 25 and 26: These regulations deal with the option for the submission of requests for exemption from abiding by all, or parts, of the Legal Notice. At the time of the EGM we were still unsure as to how these would be working, however since then we have had several discussions with the Ministry and BRO, and have worked well with both to come up with solutions through the introduction of the relevant application forms, even though the Council is still of the opinion that some of the wording of the forms requires amendment. The Council is still working hard to put forward its proposals in this regard, to ensure that these changes are effected in order to safeguard the profession in terms of the declarations made on such forms. Further guidance on the use of the relevant forms may be found in Circular 09/19 here.
  • Discrepancies between Maltese and English versions: Although at law the Maltese version prevails, the Council is of the opinion that it is important that certain glaring differences between the two versions are amended especially when considering the number of foreign periti, contractors and developers operating in Malta who would more naturally refer to the English text.


Way forward

All of the above positions have been presented to Government in the various meetings held since the last EGM. There is convergence and understanding on a number of points, yet not on others. We have requested an urgent meeting this week, to go through all the above points again, and to get a better understanding of the way forward in addressing them.

Following this meeting, the Council will be in a better position to review the situation, and inform you accordingly. Meanwhile, kindly note that Directive 03/19 and Directive 06/19 still stand. The Council is actively investigating any reports of breaches of said Directives.


Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia

Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate, on behalf of the whole Council, the finalists of this year’s edition of the Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia. The standard of submissions received is very high, and we look forward to another successful edition which promotes quality in architecture and civil engineering, and to encourage excellence in our built environment.

All members of the profession are invited to attend the presentations which the finalists will be making to the various judging panels. A full program can be perused here.



All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.



Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



PR 22/19 | Periti propose solutions to address industry slowdown

Verzjoni bil-Malti

Last Friday, the Kamra tal-Periti held another Extraordinary General Meeting, which attracted around 400 members of the profession. This Meeting was the second in three weeks, with the first being held on the 21st June 2019, and which also attracted a similarly large crowd. Both Meetings focussed on the recently introduced Legal Notice 136 of 2019 regarding the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property.

Addressing those present, Perit Simone Vella Lenicker, President of the Kamra tal-Periti, stated that a lot of progress had been made since the previous EGM. The Legal Notice as published included a number of changes from the original draft that addressed some of the Kamra’s concerns during the short public consultation process carried out. She also acknowledged that a major milestone had been reached on Friday morning when Minister Ian Borg and Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius, together with the Kamra tal-Periti and the Malta Developers Association, announced the setting up of a register of contractors, which will be followed up later this year by the establishment of a system of licensing and classification. This announcement was in no small way due to the Kamra’s insistence that registration, licensing and classification were long overdue, and were one of the reasons why safety and quality on construction sites was often lacking.

The Kamra tal-Periti has taken a leading role in this matter and has drafted its proposals for a new Legal Notice to outline the processes and requirements to attain the necessary goals, and discussions are currently under way with Government on these proposals. During the EGM, Perit André Pizzuto, Vice President of the Kamra tal-Periti, outlined the proposed system, which will start off with three Registers: Building Construction, Excavation and Demolition Contractors. These would then be further classified on the basis of risk, as defined in MSA EN 1990, namely High, Medium and Low Risk. When undertaking a project, the perit in charge would commission or carry out a risk assessment and would indicate the type of contractors required to carry out the envisaged works.

The Kamra’s proposal retains the figure of the Site Technical Officer introduced with LN 136 of 2019, however the minimum qualifications held by such person would depend on the risk category in which the contractor is registered. The proposals made by the Kamra for registration, licensing and classification were approved by the EGM, and the Council was given the go ahead to continue to pursue their introduction with Government. These proposals are expected to address the current slowdown being experienced by the industry following the overly hasty introduction of the new regulations on the 25th June 2019, particularly on sites where demolition and excavation works cannot proceed without the appointment of a Site Technical Officer.

The EGM also unanimously agreed that there are a number of points with regard to Legal Notice 136 of 2019 that need to be addressed without further delay. These include primarily: the role, responsibilities and competences of the Site Technical Officer; a clear division between the Works Specifications that must be prepared by a perit, and the Method Statement which must be prepared by the contractor in order to state how the Specifications are to be implemented and achieved; a clearer distinction between temporary and permanent works; and also the removal of various inconsistencies between the Maltese and English versions of the Legal Notice. The Kamra tal-Periti will be seeking further meetings with Government this week to address such issues.

Meanwhile, the Kamra tal-Periti received letters of support for its position from the international community of architects, namely from the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Union of Mediterranean Architects (UMAR). Both organisations commended the Kamra tal-Periti for its work to ensure that historically established lines of responsibility on construction sites, in accordance with international practice in all developed countries, are maintained and strengthened.



PR 21/19 | Kamra tal-Periti receives support from international associations

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti welcomes the announcement made on Friday by Minister Ian Borg and Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius regarding the setting up a of a system of registration of contractors which will commence next Wednesday. This follows on from various calls that the Kamra has been making since 2007, which was strongly reiterated in recent weeks following the introduction of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 regarding the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property. Safety on site is paramount, and registration, licensing and classification of contractors are essential to ensure that contractors are given the adequate training and are equipped with sufficient skills to improve the quality of works execution and safety on construction sites.

The Kamra tal-Periti has taken a leading role in pushing for the introduction of registration, licensing and classification of contractors, and has drafted its proposals for a new Legal Notice to outline the processes and requirements to attain such goals. Discussions are currently under way with Government with a view towards enacting this Legal Notice later this year.

With regard to Legal Notice 136 of 2019, there are still a number of points which the Kamra tal-Periti is insisting need to be changed, in the interest of public safety as well as in the interest of the profession, contractors and developers. These include primarily the role, responsibilities and competences of the Site Technical Officer, a clear division between the Works Specifications that must be prepared by a perit, and the Method Statement which must be prepared by the contractor in order to state how the Specifications are to be achieved, a clearer distinction between temporary and permanent works, and also various inconsistencies between the Maltese and English versions of the Legal Notice. The Kamra tal-Periti will be seeking further meetings with Government next week to address such issues.

Yesterday, the Kamra tal-Periti has received letters of support for its position from the international community of architects. Thomas Vonier, President of the International Union of Architects (UIA), expressed “support for the Kamra tal-Periti’s efforts to prevent the profession of architects from assuming responsibility for services provided by third parties, as foreseen in the Legal Notice 136 of 2019. The Union commends the profession as it advocates clear and rigorous guidelines describing the responsibilities of the various stakeholders on construction sites in the interests of safety and quality of the built environment.

In a separate letter, Wassim Naghi, President of the Union of Mediterranean Architects (UMAR), stated that the 25th General Assembly of the organisation held in Rome this week had expressed its “support for the Kamra‘s relentless efforts over the past three weeks to ensure that the profession is safeguarded following the introduction of new legislation which was introduced suddenly, and without, what seems, an adequate period of consultation. We salute the Maltese profession in its efforts to retain its independence and impartiality, and for promoting clear and strong guidelines delineating responsibilities of the various stakeholders on construction sites in the interests of safety and quality of the built environment. The General Assembly also supports the Kamra tal-Periti in its strong calls requesting Government to immediately allocate sufficient and adequate resources to the local Regulator in order to allow it to carry out its statutory functions in a timely and efficient manner in the interest of public health and safety on and around construction sites.”


CIR 09/19 | Further updates on Legal Notice 136 of 2019

Dear Colleagues,


As you are aware, another meeting was held this morning with the Minister Dr Ian Borg, the Parliamentary Secretary Mr Chris Agius, and the Director BRO Mr Johann Buttigieg. Updates on our position taken at the last EGM will be announced at the next EGM which has been urgently called for Friday 5th July 2019, details of which were issued earlier today. Your presence is solicited and appreciated.

It is to be noted that the forms relating to requests for exemptions, site management, etc have been amended in line with the Kamra’s requests, and are now available online on the PA website and on eApps.

Meanwhile, the following guidance notes supercede those issued in Circular 07/2019 and Circular 08/2019 with regards to Legal Notice 136 of 2019.


Declaration in terms of Regulation 4 of the Legal Notice

This declaration is to be submitted for all projects which do not fall under the requirements of the Legal Notice in the sense that they do not include any of the activities listed in Regulation 4. Typical examples could include:

  • Change of use;
  • Fixing of signage;
  • Façade restoration works including replacement of external apertures;
  • Internal alterations relating to non-loadbearing structures; or
  • Excavation, demolition or construction works where there are no adjacent third parties.


This declaration must always be made, unless the works fall under Regulation 4, in which case the other forms outlined below are to be used.


Declaration in terms of Regulation 26 of the Legal Notice

The declaration in terms of Regulation 26 is to be used when the works are contemplated in Regulation 4 but, in your professional opinion, the “structural interventions will not affect third party property“. This declaration must be made before any works may continue on any ongoing site, including works which were previously covered by the exemptions of LN 72 of 2013 (which are now no longer exempt). The following considerations are important when submitting declarations in terms of Regulation 26:

  • In your assessment, it is important to consider whether the execution of the works may cause a risk of damage to third parties, as a result of the structural interventions. This generally means that:
  • there are no excavations which, even though not directly abutting third party property, could affect, in some way, third party property;
  • that there are no demolition works adjacent to existing buildings, even if not directly in contact with such building, which could affect such adjacent buildings; or
  • that there are no construction works that could, in some way, impact any adjacent or underlying existing buildings, even if the intention is to build separate party walls.
  • The form has been updated, at the request of the Kamra, to state that “I, the perit in charge of the project, hereby certify that the proposed structural interventions will not affect third party property save for minor damages that could occur and hence regulations 4,5,6,7,8 of the Legal Notice do not apply.” In addition, the Kamra has requested that the word “certify” is changed to “declare”, however this would require a change to the Legal Notice, which we hope will be updated shortly.
  • In using this form, your professional judgement prevails.
  • In situations where periti are being pressured to issue declarations on the basis of Regulation 26, and where this is, in their professional judgement, not justified, you are advised to following the same procedure outlined in Directives 03/2019 and 04/2019.


Guidance regarding Regulation 25 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 – Form A

Form A is to be used in cases where it is deemed that an exemption may be requested from the submission of a method statement, condition report or the requirement for insurance and bank guarantee in cases where the works still pose a risk to third parties. This form has been updated, following the Kamra’s request, to clarify that one may request exemption from one or more of the listed items.

This request may be used, as an example, in the following cases:

  • Where a method statement had already been submitted prior to the coming into force of the Legal Notice and the remaining works do not affect such method statement;
  • Where condition report/s had already been submitted prior to the coming into force of the Legal Notice and the remaining works will not have any impact on the adjacent third parties other than what had already been previously assumed in the first place;
  • Where insurance cover and bank guarantees were taken out prior to the coming into force of the Legal Notice, and where the new requirements are considered to be excessive or where the remaining works have already been practically executed and are thus less likely to have an impact on third party property.

In all cases, it is the Kamra’s opinion that insurance cover should always been taken out, and in cases were clients insist on the submission of such a request for exemption it is recommended that you follow the procedure outlined below.

Requests in terms of Form A require approval by the Director BRO.


Guidance regarding Regulation 25 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 – Form B

Form B consists of a request for exemption from the requirement imposed by Regulation 5(1) for the contractor to nominate a Site Technical Officer. In various fora, the legislator has declared that the Site Technical Officer is only required in cases where demolition and excavation works are being carried out, and not where the works consist of construction only, including the addition of floors over existing third parties. It is unclear where this exemption from the requirement of providing a Site Technical Office emanates from and we are seeking further legal advice on this matter.

This form simply states that the perit and the mason are assuming the obligations and responsibities emanating from the Civil Code, and that the contractor (who could also be the mason) is assuming responsibilities in terms of Legal Notice 293/16.

It is important to note that the perit in charge of the project, who is assuming responsibility for the works in terms of the Civil Code, may be different from the perit in charge of the planning permit application, as long as there is a written agreement between the two periti clearly establishing lines of responsibility. The Kamra will be working on creating standard forms of agreement for use by periti in the coming months. In any case, the form is to be uploaded by the perit in charge of the planning permit application.

Meanwhile, the Kamra tal-Periti will continue to insist with the Planning Authority that the planning application form is amended to remove the declaration regarding responsibility for the works, as approved by our last EGM.

Requests in terms of Form B require approval by the Director BRO.


Guidance regarding Regulation 25 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 – Form C

Form C is to be used where there is a risk to third party properties, but where there is an urgency to carry out the works, since delays may increase the relative risks.

In such cases, periti are to fill in the respective form, ticking the “Request to effect emergency works” option. Works under this category may include the following, which are given only as examples for guidance purposes:

  • Shoring up or replacement of dangerous structures, subject to the standard clearance having been received from the Planning Authority;
  • Closing off of excavation sites where exposed third party foundations are at risk, especially where the exposed rock or land formation shows evidence of possible instability;
  • Bracing of partly constructed walls, such as in the case where the loadbearing walls have partly or completely built, but require the casting of the ceiling structure to ensure their stablity;
  • Construction of parapet walls for safety purposes;
  • Casting of roof screeds and waterproofing works;
  • And similar cases.

Requests in terms of Form C require approval by the Director BRO.


Additional Guidance

The following is additional guidance that may be useful in terms of the Legal Notice:

  • Road works fall within the definition of “construction work” and therefore if they pose a danger to third party property, should be compliant with the Legal Notice. The Kamra has been informed that works within a certain distance of third party property are to comply with the Legal Notice. We are seeking clarification on the actual distance.
  • Any requests for exemptions granted by the BRO prior to the coming into force of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 are to be resubmitted in order to confirm their compliance with the new Regulations, if applicable. It is important to keep in mind that all requirements of the Legal Notice should be in place, including insurances to be taken out by the respective parties.
  • With regard to the content of the method statements, the Kamra tal-Periti has requested that these be split into two: Works Specifications to be prepared by a perit, and a method statement to be prepared by the contractor. This proposal has not yet been accepted by Government, however we will continue to put forward our case in this regard. In the meanwhile you are within your rights, in terms also of your contracts with your clients and the contractor’s contract with the client, to request that parts of the requirements in the Schedules relating to Method Statements are prepared by the contractor and submitted together with the rest of the submissions prepared by the perit.
  • In all cases, it is recommended that you ensure with your PII provider that the declarations being submitted in terms of this Legal Notice are covered by your policy.
  • The Kamra tal-Periti has requested several other amendments to the Legal Notice, a few of which have been taken on board, but others not. These will be discussed at the forthcoming EGM.



Submissions in terms of the Legal Notice

Periti are advised that in all cases, submission of information or requests for exemptions as outlined above, are to be made via eApps and uploaded to the relevant PA number, rather than sending them by email to BRO. This will avoid double handling and will also allow the information to be instantly available to the public.


Endorsement by Developer

Regulation 5(3) of the Legal Notice states that “The developer shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the construction activity will not result in any damage to contiguous properties, including damage that may result from the infiltration of water.

The Kamra requested that the developer is included as one of the signatories to the forms, however this request has not yet been acceded to. In view of this it is recommended that you request a signed declaration from the developer, to be uploaded onto eApps with the relevant form, stating the following (or similar wording depending on the case):

I, …., ID No …, in my capacity  developer for the works approved under PA…, hereby declare that I am aware of the responsibilities pertaining to the undersigned in terms of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, and that I have acknowledged the submission and content of the following (include list of forms / method statements / condition reports / etc).

Particularly in the case of the Regulation 25 Form A, where a request for exemption for taking out insurance cover and bank guarantees is being made it is recommended that the following declaration is requested from the client (or similar wording depending on the case):

I, …., ID No …, in my capacity as developer for the works approved under PA…, hereby declare that I have requested Perit … to submit a request for exemption from the requirements of Regulation 6 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 (insurance cover and bank guarantee). I further declare that I am aware of the responsibilities pertaining to the undersigned in terms of the Legal Notice 136 of 2019, and that I have acknowledged the submission and content of the following (include list of forms / method statements / condition reports / etc).


Direction from BRO

The Kamra tal-Periti has requested the BRO to publish clear guidelines as to other circumstances where Regulation 25 can be used. Instead, it is to be noted that the requests for exemptions and approvals will be available to the public, even so that you may guide your clients who are the third parties concerned with regard to works on adjacent sites. This will give you an indication of the sort of works that are being granted exemptions. Third parties may, if they so wish, object to the granting of such exemption, and the Director BRO will consider such claim.



All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.


Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



PR 20/19 | Will this Legal Notice make our building sites any safer?

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti rejects the assertion that it and its legal advisers have not understood the Legal Notice 136 of 2019. The fact remains that over the last week massive meetings of periti, contractors and developers were organised in order to clarify what was meant to be crystal clear.

In a meeting held yesterday morning between the Kamra tal-Periti and government consultants regarding the Legal Notice, in the presence of MDA president, it was agreed that changes to the Legal Notice were necessary, and in the interim the BRO would issue binding guidance to industry stakeholders on the types of works that may be exempt from the new regulations through regulations 25 and 26, and on the liabilities that the Legal Notice implies. It was made clear to the Kamra that no demolition and excavation works would be exempted from the new regulations, upon application. It is not clear whether this means that construction on existing buildings are not covered by the Legal Notice, in spite of Schedule Six. This means that the only way that some types of construction works may proceed is by the BRO agreeing that the regulations can be circumvented altogether. This begs the question whether public safety is being safeguarded with the coming into force of the new regulations, and how further collapses of buildings will be prevented, and whether the whole confusion created was worth the effort.

The Kamra has reiterated its advice to periti to follow the requirements of the Legal Notice in its current form, until such time as the BRO issues binding guidance on the interpretation of the Legal Notice. When such guidance is issued, the Kamra will verify whether such guidance reflects what was verbally agreed, and will advise members of the profession accordingly. The Kamra was also given assurances that it would receive the fourth version of the relative BRO forms for its review before their re-publication. The BRO did not follow through such assurances. The Kamra is still not in agreement with the forms as published yesterday evening.

The Kamra is very concerned that only a few hundred building sites are currently operational. It cannot understand why all this chaos has been created, when now we are being told that most sites, except for excavation and demolition works, can qualify for exemption from the rules. Will this Legal Notice make our building sites any safer?

The Kamra’s demand for a proper registration of contractors, which was forcefully echoed by the MDA’s members at yesterday’s information session, has so far not been implemented by government. In the Kamra’s view, this is the most critical step in safeguarding public safety and preventing a repeat of the accidents of the last two months.


CIR 08/19 | Updated position regarding Legal Notice 136 of 2019

Dear Colleagues,


During the meeting held last Thursday with the Minister, the Council made its position clear on the various aspects of the new Legal Notice with which it was not in agreement, as have already been outlined in our various correspondence and press releases. At the end of the meeting, the Kamra was invited to submit its proposals for amendments to the Legal Notice, which it did on Sunday 30th June 2019. In general, these amendments will clarify the role and responsibility of the perit, of the contractor and of the developer, and clarify the role and competences of the site technical officer. A meeting was held on Monday morning with Government to discuss these proposed amendments and hopefully reach agreement on the changes required. We are now awaiting further feedback from Government.


Meanwhile, the Council notes with satisfaction that its instructions to periti to faithfully abide by the Legal Notice were adhered to. Regrettably only about 20% of building sites are now operative on the basis of exemptions granted under regulations 25 and 26 of  Legal Notice 136 of 2019. The Kamra’s objective is to return to a state of normality with all sites back in operation as before, even if the rest of the industry generally remains oblivious to the significance of the responsibilities implied.


Of course, it will be necessary for some sites to remain closed for a while longer until they are brought into line with the requirements of the Legal Notice, however there are a number of situations where more sites can be brought back in operation as outlined below.


In addition, the undersigned also held meetings with the President of the Malta Developers Association over the weekend, to discuss the interim period until the required changes to the Legal Notice come into place. The meetings were very fruitful and it was agreed that the Kamra would be able to issue clear guidance on the way forward, on the assumption that our proposals to Government will also be agreed to, including the positions approved in our last EGM. Unfortunately this has not happened.

Until a final position is published, you are advised to proceed in accordance with the guidance below, and to inform your clients and respective contractors that we are still awaiting the application forms and a formal guidance note from BRO to be published.

The below guidance notes supercede the FAQs published under Circular 07/2019 and are intended to address certain works that may proceed under the new Legal Notice.


Guidance regarding Regulation 26 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019

The below guidance notes supercede the FAQs published under Circular 07/2019 and are intended to address certain works that may proceed under the new Legal Notice:


  1. If, in your professional opinion, the “structural interventions will not affect third party property“, then you are to follow the provisions of Regulation 26 of the Legal Notice. This has to be done before any works may continue on any ongoing site, including works which were previously covered by the exemptions of LN 72 of 2013 (which are now no longer exempt).
  2. In your assessment, it is important to consider whether the execution of the works may cause a risk of damage to third parties, as a result of the structural interventions. This generally means that:
    • there are no excavations which, even though not directly abutting third party property, could affect, in some way, third party property;
    • that there are no demolition works adjacent to existing buildings, even if not directly in contact with such building, which could affect such adjacent buildings; or
    • that there are no construction works that could, in some way, impact any adjacent or underlying existing buildings, even if the intention is to build separate party walls.
  3. The use of this Regulation appears straight forward enough, however the Kamra tal-Periti has received legal advice that the way this exemption is formulated does not provide legal clarity. We have requested that this regulation clearly states that phrase “that the structural interventions will not affect third party property” is changed to state that this is barring any minor damages such as ingress of water, movement cracks, damage to finishes, etc. So far, this has not been addressed. Nevertheless, your professional judgement prevails.
  4. In situations where periti are being pressured to issue declarations on the basis of Regulation 26, and where this is, in their professional judgement, not justified, you are advised to following the same procedure outlined in Directives 03/2019 and 04/2019.
  5. If you decide to proceed under Regulation 26, you are advised to fill in the respective form which may be downloaded from the Planning Authority website, and to upload it onto Eapps.



Guidance regarding Regulation 25 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019

  1. Requests for exemptions on the basis of Regulation 25 should, in general, be made where a risk to third party properties does exist, but where there is an urgency to carry out the works, since delays may increase the relative risks.
  2. In such cases, periti are to fill in the respective form which may be downloaded from the Planning Authority website, ticking the “Request to effect emergency works” option. Works under this category may include the following, which are given only as examples for guidance purposes:
    • Shoring up or replacement of dangerous structures, subject to the standard clearance having been received from the Planning Authority;
    • Closing off of excavation sites where exposed third party foundations are at risk, especially where the exposed rock or land formation shows evidence of possible instability;
    • Bracing of partly constructed walls, such as in the case where the loadbearing walls have partly or completely built, but require the casting of the ceiling structure to ensure their stablity;
    • Construction of parapet walls for safety purposes;
    • Casting of roof screeds and waterproofing works;
    • And similar cases.
  3. Regulation 25 also allows requests for exemptions to be made even when the work is not urgent. Typical examples of requests that may be considered are:
    • Restoration works as long as these are limited to stone replacement, cleaning and pointing works on facades, and the replacement of façade features (eg. balconies, windows, etc);
    • Minor internal structural alterations that are not considered to have an impact on third parties;
    • Internal alterations that are not of a loadbearing nature;
    • And similar cases.
  4. Periti are reminded that even when such exemption is given, a mason still needs to be appointed, while a contractor is to be nominated to take responsibility for the requirements of LN293/16.
  5. In the case of Regulation 25 exemptions, a response from the Building Regulation Office is required.




Additional Guidance

  1. Road works fall within the definition of “construction work” and therefore if they pose a danger to third party property, should be compliant with the Legal Notice. The Kamra has been informed that works within a certain distance of third party property are to comply with the Legal Notice. We are seeking clarification on the actual distance.
  2. Any requests for exemptions granted by the BRO prior to the coming into force of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 are to be resubmitted in order to confirm their compliance with the new Regulations, if applicable. It is important to keep in mind that all requirements of the Legal Notice should be in place, including insurances to be taken out by the respective parties.


The Kamra tal-Periti has requested the BRO to publish clear guidelines as to other circumstances where Regulation 25 can be used, and also to amend the forms in line with our discussions of the past days.

All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.



Perit Simone Vella Lenicker




PR 19/19 | Developments on LN 136 of 2019

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti would hereby like to notify the following developments since the bringing into force of LN 136 of 2019.


Meeting with Government

Government requested an urgent meeting with the Kamra tal-Periti to discuss the new regulations that were brought into force earlier this week. The Kamra tal-Periti immediately accepted the offer for a meeting which happened yesterday afternoon.

During this meeting, which lasted almost three hours, the Kamra outlined in detail the several issues in the regulations and the positions voted upon in the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Friday 21st June 2019. The Kamra also expressed its deep concern for public safety due to conflicts between the Civil Code and the new regulations, and the confusion surrounding the apportionment of responsibilities.

The Kamra tal-Periti also insisted on the urgency for the setting up of a system of registration of contractors so members of the public, and periti themselves, can begin to regain confidence in the industry.

It was agreed that further meetings would occur in the next few days during which amendments to the new regulations will be proposed by the Kamra together with its team of legal consultants for Government’s consideration.

The Kamra tal-Periti reiterates its commitment to assist Government in fulfilling its intention to bring about a positive reform of the industry in the interest of public safety.


Exemptions under Regulation 26

Regulation 26 states that “[w]hen before the start of the works, the perit in charge of the project certifies, after giving clear reasons, that the structural interventions will not affect third party property, the provisions of regulations 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 do not apply”.


This implies that if a perit certifies that no damage will occur to third-parties during works, the entire set of regulations can be circumvented. If damages do occur, the perit issuing such certification would carry personal criminal and civil responsibility for anything that happens, even when the contractor is at fault.

This has put members of the profession under immense pressure to sign such declarations as contractors and developers are incurring extremely high costs due to the effective suspension of works. The Kamra has received multiple reports from members of the profession who received personal threats as well as threats of crippling and vexatious lawsuits if they do not sign such declarations.

The Kamra tal-Periti is hereby making it clear that if any such lawsuits are filed against periti who are diligently and responsibly applying the law, it will enter such lawsuits parte civile and put all its resources to defend its members against cowboy operators.

The Kamra will also be writing to the Chief Justice to request that such lawsuits are dismissed on a prima facie basis in the interest of public safety.


Exemptions under Regulation 25

Regulation 25 states that “[w]orks of excavation, demolition and construction, that would have started but are not complete on the date of the 25th June 2019, as well as those works of excavation, demolition and construction, that still need to begin, fall under the provisions of these regulations provided that the Director of the Building Regulation Office reserves the right to issue appropriate orders according to the requirements and nature of the particular site.

Members of the public are urged to write to the Director of BRO on keeping in copy their perit asking for clearance to proceed with works, and insisting that a clear scope of works and a list of the specific exemptions from the regulations are specified in such clearance.



The Kamra tal-Periti will continue to defend and promote the interest of public safety first at all times.



PR 18/19 | Kamra tal-Periti calls for all stakeholders to abide by the new regulations

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti has issued a directive this morning instructing all members of the profession to strictly abide by the regulations published yesterday by Government in the interest of public safety.

We must bring to the attention of the public the fact that all excavation, demolition and construction works carried out in sites which are contiguous to third parties must follow the regulations. This includes the preparation of fresh condition reports of third-party properties, fresh method statements, revised insurance policy premia, and the appointment of an STO by the contractor, or by each individual contractor present on site. Naturally, all these new requirements could not be addressed within 24 hours but require several weeks, which include the minimum two-week period granted to the third-parties to review and possibly contest the reports and method statements.

Until all the provisions are adhered to, all works are in effect suspended. Fines for non-compliance with the regulations are €50,000.


CIR 07/19 | Legal Notice 136 of 2019 | FAQs (1)

The Kamra tal-Periti has received a number of queries from the profession regarding the provision of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 which came into force yesterday.


The following are some points for your guidance:


  • If, in your professional opinion, the “structural interventions will not affect third party property“, then you are to follow the provisions of Regulation 26 of the Legal Notice. This has to be done before any works may continue on any ongoing site, including works which were previously covered by the exemptions of LN 72 of 2013 (which are now no longer exempt).
  • In your assessment, it is important to consider whether the execution of the works may cause a risk to third parties, such as falling loads, overturning of site equipment, mechanical failure of equipment, etc.
  • If, in your professional opinion, the new Legal Notice is applicable to the works concerned (demolition, excavation and construction), then any breach of the Legal Notice (including non-compliance with the Method Statement requirements, Condition Report requirements, insurance cover, etc) means that the works themselves are non-compliant and effectively suspended. If works proceed, the developer and the contractor may expose themselves to fines of up to EUR50,000. Periti are exposed to fines of up to EUR500 for Method Statements which are non-compliant with the Regulations, unless works are suspended until such time as these can be submitted.
  • Road works fall within the definition of “construction work” and therefore if they pose a danger to third party property, they should be compliant with the Legal Notice.
  • In situations where periti are being pressured to issue declarations on the basis of Regulation 26, and where this is, in their professional judgement, not justified, you are advised to following the same procedure outlined in Directives 03/2019 and 04/2019.
  • If the Director BRO issues a statement in accordance with Regulation 25, ensure that this is made in writing and that it clearly states the scope of the works which are permitted under the exemption. Keep in mind that the ultimate responsibility in case of an incident remains uncertain in view of Regulation 14(4) which exonerates the Director BRO from liability, except in cases of gross negligence.
  • In the case of dangerous structures, the normal planning procedures are to be followed. Once clearance is granted from the Planning Authority, periti are to forward such clearance to the BRO to seek further guidance. At this stage it is understood that the requirements of the Legal Notice still need to be observed. Further guidance on this matter is being sought.
  • Similarly, in cases where adjacent sites may be at risk if works are stopped until compliance with the regulations is in place, periti are to write to the BRO, clearly explainining the situation, and seek guidance accordingly.
  • Any requests for exemptions granted by the BRO prior to the coming into force of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 are to be resubmitted in order to confirm their compliance with the new Regulations. It is important to keep in mind that all requirements of the Legal Notice should be in place, including insurances to be taken out by the respective parties.
  • All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.


Perit Simone Vella Lenicker




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