CIR 04/20 | COVID-19 Precautionary Measures in view of potential site closures // Update 2
The COVID-19 situation in Malta is, as you are aware, progressing, with local transmissions now being recorded. While there is no official indication of a potential lockdown situation as at the time of writing, it is important that we prepare ourselves for this eventuality.
The Kamra tal-Periti will issue Directives as required and as the situation evolves.
Reference is to be made to the Kamra’s Circular 03/2020 which proposes various measures to be taken by your office to practise social distancing, as recommended by the Authorities. The Kamra notes with satisfaction that many offices have already implemented these measures. Following a survey carried out across the profession, to which 105 offices submitted their replies by 1pm on the 17th March 2020, the following results were registered:

You are encouraged to continue putting these measures into effect, and to encourage your colleagues and other professionals to do the same.
It is recommended that you immediately carry out a preliminary risk assessment of open sites under your supervision, and that you classify them as follows:
- Sites which currently involve primarily Demolition and/or Site Clearance Works
- Sites which currently involve primarily Excavation Works
- Sites which currently involve primarily Construction Works
- Sites which currently involve primarily Works related to Finishes and Services
For each of the above Classifications, identify the risks that may arise in the hypothetical scenario of a Government-imposed instantaneous lockdown of the construction industry, as follows:
- Risk to structural stability of site and/or to adjacent parties*
- Risk of significant damage to site and/or to adjacent parties*
- Risk of minor damage to site and/or adjacent parties*
- No risk to site and/or adjacent parties*
* “adjacent parties” includes private third parties and their property, the general public, and/or public property
The periti who responded to the survey are responsible for 725 active sites. The type of works currently being undertaken are primarily as follows:
It is recommended that all efforts are focussed on those works which pose a risk to the site and/or to adjacent parties during this current Stage, in order to minimise such risks pending further notices from Government regarding a potential lockdown.
In all cases of ongoing works, it is recommended that you communicate with your Client, their appointed Contractor/s and Project Supervisors (in terms of LN 88 of 2018), in order to assess the evolving situation and to identify the risks, if any, in terms of potential spread of the virus on the site itself. This should include confirmation in writing from all persons on site that they have not travelled in the past three weeks, and that they have not been in contact with persons who travelled in the past three weeks – in case of persons who do not meet these criteria, request that these are not allowed to access the site, and that they follow the measures imposed by Government regarding self-quarantine. In case of non-compliance, report to the Commissioner of Police on 2122 4001-9 or
If works are being carried out in confined spaces, and these can be postponed, liaise with the Client and the contractor accordingly in the interest of public health and safety.
It is also recommended that, together with the Client, Contractor/s and Project Supervisor, you prioritise those works that may pose a threat to the site itself and/or to adjacent third parties, including works relating to water-tightness.
It is also recommended that, in agreement with the Client, you postpone the commencement date of any new works until after the pandemic is declared to be over.
Although no indication has been given by Government of an immediate lockdown situation that would affect the industry, it is nevertheless important to be prepared for such eventuality.
The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti has communicated with Government in this regard and is awaiting feedback. The Council will update you as soon as possible in this respect.
Perit Simone Vella Lenicker