
CIR 15/19 | New Forms for use prior to commencement of works or utilisation of planning permit

Dear Colleagues,

Following the coming into force of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, the Building Regulation Office had published a set of Forms to administer the requirements imposed by said Legal Notice.

Several meetings and discussions ensued regarding various changes to the Forms, including the Kamra’s proposal to completely separate the planning process from the construction process by amending the Commencement Notice that is required to be submitted to the Planning Authority to contain only that information which is relevant to the planning process, and the rest of the information relating to the construction process being amalgamated within the BRO Forms.

Following the establishment of the new Building and Construction Agency in August 2019, further discussions took place, and we can finally announce that the Forms are being amended today.


Main changes

The main changes to the Forms are outlined below.

1. Works that do not affect third parties

Whenever works do not affect third parties, and are therefore not subject to the provisions of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, the Form titled Commencement Notice – for use when works do not affect third parties is to be submitted. This replaces the current Commencement Notice required by the Planning Authority, and has been amended to require only the details of the Developer, the Licensed Mason (where applicable) and the Site Manager appointed in terms of Legal Notice 295 of 2007 (where applicable).

The Perit in Charge is to state reasons to justify situations when either a Licensed Mason or a Site Manager (or both) is/are not required for the works in hand.

This Form is to be used ONLY where the works do not affect third parties, and therefore in the following situations:

  • Works that do not qualify under Regulation 4 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, in which case the Form titled Declaration that Works Do Not fall Under the Scope of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 must also be submitted;
  • Works that fall under Regulation 26 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, in which case the Form titled Declaration in Terms of Regulation 26 must also be submitted;
  • Regularisation permits.

In such cases, the relevant Forms are to be submitted at least five days prior to the commencement of works or utilisation of permit.


2. Works that affect third parties and fall under the provisions of Legal Notice 136 of 2019

Whenever works fall under the provisions of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 as defined in Regulation 4 thereof, the Form titled Commencement Notice / Site Management Responsibility Form is to be submitted. This is a combined Form for use by both the Planning Authority and the Building and Construction Agency, and requires the submission of details of all the persons required on the site, as per the relevant legislation.

The Perit in Charge is to state reasons to justify situations when either a Licensed Mason or a Site Manager (or both) is/are not required for the works in hand.

In such cases, the relevant Forms are to be submitted at least two weeks prior to the commencement of works or utilisation of permit.


3. Requests for exemptions under Regulation 25 of Legal Notice 136 of 2019

Regulation 25 empowers the Director of the Building Regulation Office to ˝issue appropriate orders according to the requirements and nature of the particular site“. Forms 25A, 25B and 25C were developed to standardise certain requests for exemptions from the requirements of the Legal Notice.

The following is to be noted:

  • Form 25A is being repealed;
  • Form 25B is to be used in all cases which fall under the definitions in Regulation 4, and where a request for exemption from the appointment of a Site Technical Officer is being made – this Form cannot be used if the works include excavation or demolition;
  • Form 25C is to be used only in the case of emergency works, including works permitted under the Dangerous Structures procedure.

Any other requests for exemptions from any provisions of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 that are not coverd by Forms 25B and 25C are to be submitted in the form of a letter, signed by the Perit in Charge, accompanied by a declaration signed by the Developer stating:

I, …., ID No …, in my capacity as developer for the works approved under PA…, hereby declare that I have requested Perit … to submit a request for exemption from the requirements of Legal Notice 136 of 2019. I further declare that I am aware of the responsibilities pertaining to the undersigned in terms of the Legal Notice 136 of 2019, and that I have acknowledged the submission and content of the said request for exemption.


In such cases, the relevant Forms are to be submitted at least two weeks prior to the commencement of works or utilisation of permit.


4. General notes

  1. All the Forms except the one described in Section (1) above (Commencement Notice – for use when works do not affect third parties) are to be submitted through the Avoidance of Damage tab on eApps. Failure to follow this requirement will mean that the system will not notify the Building and Construction Agency. The Form titled Commencement Notice – for use when works do not affect third parties is to be submitted through the Commencement Notice tab on eApps, and will only be notified to the Planning Authority.
  2. Where the works fall under the provisions of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, the Site Management Responsibility Summary Form must always be submitted.
  3. Whenever there is a change in the person assuming any of the roles detailed in the Forms, the Change of Responsibility Form is to be submitted.
  4. Whenever there is a change in any of the details of a person assuming any of the roles detailed in the Forms (eg. change in address, etc), the Site Management Responsibility Form – Update is to be submitted.
  5. It is to be noted that where the Licensed Mason is assuming the role of Mason as required by the Code of Police Laws AND the role of Contractor as defined in the Civil Code and in other relevant legislation, such person is sign the relevant sections assigned in the Forms to the Mason AND to the Contractor accordingly.



Transition period

The Kamra tal-Periti, the Building and Construction Agency, and the Planning Authority have reached agreement on the following:

  • Any Forms submitted prior to the 1st November 2019 will be considered as valid, unless they are not compliant with the relevant requirements;
  • Until the 30th November 2019, the Planning Authority and the Building and Construction Agency shall accept the submission of the old versions of the Forms, in an effort to avoid having to obtain all signatures if these have already been obtained in the past days or weeks – Periti are nevertheless advised that it is recommended to use the new Forms whenever possible during this transition period;
  • The old Forms will no longer be accessible on the Planning Authority website as from the 1st November 2019;
  • Form 25A shall be repealed as from the 1st November 2019, and no such requests shall be entertained thereafter.


Additional notes

Various amendments to the text of the Forms have been effected. It is not the scope of this Circular to go into the detail of such amendments, and the rationale behind them. Periti are advised to read the new content of the Forms carefully before signing off, and to advise their Clients and other persons required to sign the Forms to do the same.

The Kamra tal-Periti remains available to provide clarifications on specific queries by Periti, and encourages all its members to submit any feedback on the new Forms accordingly.

It is intended to continue discussions with the Building and Construction Agency regarding the templates for Condition Reports and Method Statements that are currently downloadable from the Planning Authority website. Any suggestions from Periti in this regard are most welcome.


All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.


Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



PR 28/19 | Kamra tal-Periti celebrates three important dates in its calendar

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti joins its European and global counterparts in celebrating three important days which remind us of the important role the profession has in ensuring a better environment for all mankind.


World Habitat Day 2019

World Habitat Day was established in 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly, and was first celebrated in 1986. The United Nations designated the first Monday of October of every year as World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of our towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It also reminds us that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns.

Building on last year’s theme (Municipal Solid Waste Management), the theme for 2019 is: Frontier Technologies as an innovative tool to transform waste to wealth. Technology has great potential to improve how people work and live, to significantly accelerate efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and address climate change. Frontier technologies, such as automation, robotics, electric vehicles, renewable energy technologies, biotechnologies, and artificial intelligence can transform the social, economic and environmental spheres. They can offer better, cheaper, faster, scalable and easy to use solutions for every-day problems, including waste management. The task ahead is to harness frontier technologies to achieve sustainable waste management while mitigating their possible adverse economic, social and political consequences.


World Architecture Day 2019

In 1986, the International Union of Architects (UIA) established World Architecture Day to coincide with World Habitat Day, with the aim to draw the attention of professionals and the public to issues concerning cities and housing. The theme chosen for 2019 is “Architecture … housing for all”.

More than one billion of the 7.5 billion human beings on our planet live in places they build for themselves, using whatever materials they can scavenge, on whatever land they can claim, often tenuously. Millions lack permanent shelter altogether, as refugees and persons displaced by conflict and calamity. Architects around the world will be considering how design has an essential role in alleviating human suffering, reducing planetary burdens, and enhancing the quality of life for everyone.


European Engineers Day 2019

Every 5th October, the European engineering organisations ECEC (European Council of Engineers Chambers), FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations), ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers), together with ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) celebrate European Engineers Day to draw attention to the importance of securing the availability of excellent engineering solutions in Europe. The impact of engineering is visible in every aspect of human life, through increasingly more sophisticated inventions, techniques and equipment, and this Day is a good opportunity to remind the profession of the importance of achieving excellence in their respective fields.


For further information visit:

CIR 14/19 | BRO Forms

Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, the amendments to Legal Notice 180 of 2019 came into force on the 29th July 2019, and immediately the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti requested the Building Regulation Office (BRO) to update the relevant notification and exemption forms to bring these in line with LN 180/2019 and with the Letter of Commitment presented by Government to the Kamra tal-Periti on Friday 2nd July 2019.

Several meeting and discussions have ensued regarding various changes to the forms, including the Kamra’s proposal to completely separate the planning process from the construction process by amending the Commencement Notice that is required to be submitted to the Planning Authority to contain only that information which is relevant to the planning process, and the rest of the information relating to the construction process being amalgamated within the BRO Forms. You can review the Kamra’s proposal here.

Due to various legal considerations, the amendment of the forms is taking some time, and therefore the Kamra has reached an interim agreement with the BRO on the following matters:

  1. The project Perit is not responsible for the “execution of the project” in terms of the Legal Notice but for the design, direction and general supervision of the works in order to ensure that these address the requirements of the Legal Notice. The “execution of the project” is the contractor’s responsibility. In view of this, all phrases stating “Project Perit (Perit responsible for the execution of the project)” should be changed manually to read: “Project Perit (Perit responsible for the project)” by crossing out the words “the execution of”.
  2. The Perit in charge is not required to “approve” the Site Technical Officer (STO), but to accept the person nominated nominated by the contractor to fulfil this role, as long as such person is listed on the Register being compiled by the Building Regulation Office (BRO). The uploading of the relevant forms by the perit in charge is to be construed as an implied acceptance of the STO, and this as stated in the Letter of Commitment. In view of this, wherever the words “nominated by contractor and approved by Perit in charge of project” appear on the forms these are to be manually changed to read: “nominated by contractor” by crossing out the words “and approved by Perit in charge of project”.

Meanwhile, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti will continue to liaise with government to ensure that the forms are updated without further delay and to ensure that these comprehensively address the varied nature of construction projects.



All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.


Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



PR 26/19 | New Building and Construction Agency

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti welcomes the establishment of a new Building and Construction Agency through the publication of Legal Notice 192 of 2019. This new Agency is the precursor of the Building and Construction Authority that will be set up in the coming months, and which Government is committed to establish as outlined in the Letter of Commitment addressed to the Kamra tal-Periti last week.

The new Agency is tasked with the design, implementation and dissemination of policies together with the consolidation and review of laws and regulations, in the form of a national building code, as well as with carrying out all the necessary preparations to set up the Building and Construction Authority.

This is an important milestone in ensuring better regulation of the industry, and the Kamra tal-Periti looks forward to presenting its proposals outlined in A Modern Building and Construction Framework for Malta to the Agency, with a view towards implementing them in the near future.



CIR 13/19 | Overview of conclusions reached

Dear Colleagues,

Over the past days, the Kamra tal-Periti has issued various communications to all periti and to the press. Below is a summary of the current state of affairs:

  1. Legal Notice 136 of 2019 regarding the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property Regulations, 2019, came into force on the 25th June 2019. This was later amended through Legal Notice 180 of 2019, which came into force on the 29th July 2019, and which removed the obligation of the perit in charge of the project to approve the Site Technical Officer appointed by the contractor, as well as widening the pool of persons authorised to provide such services through the inclusion of those in possession of a Bachelor of Engineering.
  2. In the period between the publication of the two Legal Notices, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti worked incessantly to ensure that the interests of the profession are safeguarded, and that public safety is placed at the forefront. In particular, it is to be noted that the Kamra’s primary contentions with the Legal Notice revolved around the fact that periti are the only actors on construction sites who are properly regulated, while all other actors operate in an unregulated manner, to the extent that the industry had reached, in the Kamra’s own words, a state of crisis.
  3. Although the Legal Notice as amended only reflects two of the changes requested by the Kamra, significant progress has been made on various other overarching and important matters that impact the industry, as outlined in Circular 11/19, which you are invited to read and study carefully since it provides a number of guidance notes to be adopted in the coming months.
  4. The Kamra notes with satisfaction that practically all of the motions approved by its Extraordinary General Meetings held on the 21st June 2019 and the 5th July 2019 have been successfully addressed, as outlined in the above mentioned Circular, and there is now a recorded committment by Government to implement significant reforms to the industry – see here the Letter of Commitment presented by Government to the Kamra tal-Periti on Friday 2nd August 2019.
  5. The commitments made by Government include the establishment of a new Authority to regulate the building and construction industry, and that this will be accompanied by the promulgation of new building and construction regulations in line with the Kamra’s proposals published last May. This will be accompanied by the long awaited registration, licensing and classification of contractors and skilled labourers by Government, and in line with the Kamra’s proposals, thus ensuring that liabilities are carried by the professional and the contractor in a more equitable manner in line with the Civil Code. The new regulations will clearly delineate the various responsibilities to be carried by each of the participants on a construction site, which will, in the interim period, be addressed through Forms of Contract to be published shortly by the Kamra tal-Periti. The new regulations will also also address liability periods of the participants on a construction site, bringing them in line with existing European models.
  6. Government is also committed to table in Parliament, immediately after the summer recess, various amendments to the Periti Act, which currently regulates the profession. Such amendments have been the subject of discussions with subsequent governments since 2007, and there is now convergence on most of the proposed changes. The Kamra tal-Periti looks forward to concluding discussions in line with the direction given by the members of the profession at its various General Meetings, and to the successful conclusion of this matter.
  7. In terms of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, as amended, various aspects were agreed, including the establishment of a register, to be published by the Building Regulation Office (BRO), of persons who are competent to provide the services of a Site Technical Officer, the amendment of the various forms that are to be submitted to the BRO to be in line with the latest Legal Notice and the processes agreed to between Government and the Kamra, and the eventual integration of the provisions of the Legal Notice in the regulations that will be eventually established under the Act regulating the new Authority.
  8. The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti is confident that there is the political will to ensure a comprehensive reform of the building and construction industry, as also outlined in the Kamra’s document A Modern Building and Contruction Regulation Framework for Malta (May 2019) which has already received the support of all the stakeholders who have been consulted to date. Government has clearly acknowledged the fact that an overhaul of the construction industry is not only necessary but also desirable to ensure that it moves forward in a sustainable manner. Although addressed to the Kamra tal-Periti, the Letter of Commitment is an important milestone for all actors in the industry, including the general public. The Kamra looks forward to being a primary participant in ensuring that the agreed reforms are implemented in the coming weeks and months.
  9. In light of all the above, Directive 06/19 has been repealed and replaced with Directive 12/19.
  10. Directive 03/2019 and Directive 04/2019 remain in force.
  11. As outlined above, the BRO will be publishing a register of persons authorised to provide the services of Site Technical Officer. It is also noted that the forms to be submitted to the BRO have not as yet been changed to reflect the recent changes to the Legal Notice and the processes agreed to with the Kamra tal-Periti. In view of this, periti are advised:
  • Not to submit any forms to the Building Regulation Office until further notice;
  • Not to submit any Site Responsibility Forms to the Building Regulation Office until the register of authorised persons is published.

The Kamra tal-Periti will be issuing further details on these two points in the coming days.



All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.




Perit Simone Vella Lenicker





PR 25/19 | Government commits to major reforms in the construction industry

Verzjoni bil-Malti

Legal Notice 136 of 2019 regarding the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property Regulations, 2019, came into force on the 25th June 2019. This was later amended through Legal Notice 180 of 2019, which came into force on the 29th July 2019, and which removed the obligation of the perit in charge of the project to approve the Site Technical Officer appointed by the contractor, as well as widening the pool of persons authorised to provide such services through the inclusion of those in possession of a Bachelor of Engineering.

In the period between the publication of the two Legal Notices, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti worked incessantly to ensure that the interests of the profession are safeguarded, and that public safety is placed at the forefront. In particular, it is to be noted that the Kamra’s primary contentions with the Legal Notice revolved around the fact that periti are the only actors on construction sites who are properly regulated, while all other actors operate in an unregulated manner, to the extent that the industry had reached, in the Kamra’s own words, a state of crisis.

Although the Legal Notice as amended only reflects two of the changes requested by the Kamra, significant progress has been made on various other overarching and important matters that impact the industry, and which have been recorded in a Letter of Commitment presented by Government to the Kamra tal-Periti yesterday.

The commitments made by Government include the establishment of a new Authority to regulate the building and construction industry, and that this will be accompanied by the promulgation of new building and construction regulations in line with the Kamra’s proposals published last May. This will be accompanied by the long-awaited registration, licensing and classification of contractors and skilled labourers by Government, and in line with the Kamra’s proposals, thus ensuring that liabilities are carried by the professional and the contractor in a more equitable manner in line with the Civil Code. The new regulations will clearly delineate the various responsibilities to be carried by each of the participants on a construction site, which will, in the interim period, be addressed by Forms of Contract to be published shortly by the Kamra tal-Periti. The new regulations will also address liability periods of the participants on a construction site, bringing them in line with existing European models.



Government is also committed to table in Parliament, immediately after the summer recess, various amendments to the Periti Act, which currently regulates the profession. Such amendments have been the subject of discussions with subsequent governments since 2007, and there is now convergence on most of the proposed amendments. The Kamra tal-Periti looks forward to concluding discussions in line with the direction given by the members of the profession at its various General Meetings, and to the successful conclusion of this matter.



In terms of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, as amended, various aspects were agreed, including the establishment of a register, to be published by the Building Regulation Office, of persons who are competent to provide the services of a Site Technical Officer, the amendment of the various forms that are to be submitted to the Building Regulation Office to be in line with the latest Legal Notice and the processes agreed to between Government and the Kamra, and the eventual integration of the provisions of the Legal Notice in the regulations that will be eventually established under the Act regulating the new Authority.

The Kamra notes with satisfaction that practically all of the motions approved by its Extraordinary General Meetings held on the 21st June 2019 and the 5th July 2019 have been successfully addressed and there is now a recorded commitment by Government to implement significant reforms to the industry. The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti is confident that there is the political will to ensure a comprehensive reform of the building and construction industry, as also outlined in the Kamra’s document A Modern Building and Contruction Regulation Framework for Malta (May 2019) which has already received the support of all the stakeholders who have been consulted to date.


Government has clearly acknowledged the fact that an overhaul of the construction industry is not only necessary but also desirable to ensure that it moves forward in a sustainable manner. Although addressed to the Kamra tal-Periti, the Letter of Commitment is an important milestone for all actors in the industry, including the general public. The Kamra looks forward to being a primary participant in ensuring that the agreed reforms are implemented in the coming weeks and months.





DIR 12/19 | Legal Notice 136 of 2019 & Legal Notice 180 of 2019

Legal Notice 136 of 2019 regarding Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property Regulations, 2019, came into force on the 25th June 2019. This was later amended through Legal Notice 180 of 2019, which came into force on the 29th July 2019.

In the period between the publication of both Legal Notices, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti worked incessantly to ensure that the interests of the profession are safeguarded, and that public safety is placed at the forefront.

Although the Legal Notice still does not reflect all the changes requested by the Kamra, significant progress has been made, as outlined in detail in Circular 11/19. The Council is of the opinion that all the progress outlined in said Circular, and particularly Government’s recorded commitment to deliver on all the outstanding points through the Letter of Commitment, address many of the concerns raised by the profession.



The above is considered sufficient for the Council to issue the following Directives:

  1. Periti are to immediately inform their clients of the coming into force of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 if they have not already done so, and to advise their clients also of the coming into force of Legal Notice 180 of 2019, and to advise them to bring themselves and the works in line before any works can continue.
  2. If periti become aware that works are ongoing without the provisions of the Legal Notice being in place, they are to immediately notify in writing the Building Regulation Office and the Commissioner of Police, keeping the Kamra tal-Periti in copy.
  3. The Building Regulation Office (BRO) will be publishing a list of competent persons as per Schedule 3 as amended (see LN 180 of 2019) who register their interest to provide the service of STO. The register is intended to provide the general public with a list of periti and others who are authorised to provide this service. Further details will be announced shortly.
  4. Periti are advised that the forms required to be submitted to the BRO through the PA eApps portal are in the process of being amended, in consultation with the Kamra, in order to bring them in line with the amendments enacted through Legal Notice 180 of 2019, and with other considerations made by the Kamra. Periti are advised to await further direction before proceeding to upload any forms.
  5. Periti engaged under Design and Build Contracts should seek legal advice regarding the potential implications of the Legal Notices on their responsibilities and indemnity. The Kamra will be seeking additional legal advice on the position of such periti in the coming weeks.
  6. Periti in full or part time employment with Contractors or Developers are advised to seek legal advice on their position. Their position directly within the Contractor’s setup places additional responsibilities on them in terms of the Legal Notice, and these need to be clarified. The Kamra tal-Periti will be addressing this situation separately, as already discussed with a number of such periti.
  7. Periti employed in the Public Service should seek guidance from the Union Periti u Inginiera fis-Servizz Pubbliku. The Kamra tal-Periti has already met with the Union prior to the issuance of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 and will be scheduling another meeting with such Union in the coming weeks.
  8. Directive 03/2019 and Directive 04/2019 remain in force.
  9. Directive 06/19 is hereby repealed.


The repeal of Directive 06/19 should not be interpreted as an automatic obligation on periti who are in full or part time employment with Contractors or Developers to take on this role. Any undue pressure on such periti to assume this role is to be reported to the Kamra tal-Periti.

This Directive is to be read in conjunction with Circular 11/19. In particular, it is noted that the concurrent undertaking of the role of perit in charge and STO by the same perit or partnership of periti on the same project is considered to give rise to issues of conflict of interest, and thus to a potential breach of the Code of Professional Conduct. Periti are invited to communicate with the Kamra tal-Periti for further guidance in relation to specific situations. Any undue pressure by Contractors or Developers for periti to take on the role of STO is to be reported to the Kamra tal-Periti.




Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



CIR 11/19 | Building the Future – Towards a Renewed Profession

Dear Colleagues,

Those of you who were present at the Annual General Meeting of December 2007 will remember the slogan adopted at the time: Building the Future – Moving Towards a Renewed Profession. The Council at the time had presented a long term vision, which was approved by the profession at the same AGM. You may refresh your memory by reading the Kamra’s proposals  for an overhaul of the profession, and its seminal publication “The Urban Challenge – Our Quality of Life and the Built Environment” which outlined the Kamra’s vision to address the various challenges faced by the country at the time and which, sadly, have only worsened since.

Over these twelve years, the Kamra has been consistent in its approach and has worked hard to achieve the goals set in 2007, lobbying incessantly with successive governments to deliver its vision.

The events of the past few months have highlighted what the Kamra termed as a crisis in the building industry, and further reinforced the fact that the failure to address the challenges it highlighted in 2007 had led to a situation which had become untenable.

The publication of Legal Notice 136 of 2019 on the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property caused an upheaval in the industry, not only because it was introduced without a proper consultation process and came into force immediately without adequate time for the industry to adjust, but more so because it failed to address the core issues that plague the industry and to address successive governments’ failure to regulate.

The Kamra kept the members of the profession, as well as the general public, updated on a regular basis over the past weeks through, among others, the following means:

  • Two Extraordinary General Meetings held on the 21st June 2019 and the 5th July 2019;
  • Five Circulars providing detailed information on the interpretation of the Legal Notice, the forms and procedures established by the Building Regulation Office (BRO) in response to the Legal Notice, and advice on how to address various site conditions in light of the requirements of the Legal Notice;
  • Various press releases aimed at both the profession and the general public, to explain the Council’s position as events unfolded; and
  • Through its social media platforms, primarily the Kamra tal-Periti Facebook page, and the Kamra tal-Periti Twitter account.

 The following is a detailed resumé of the requests made by the Extraordinary General Meetings held in June and July 2019, and the final outcomes on each point to date.


Follow up on the Extraordinary General Meeting of the 21st June 2019


Those of you who were present for the first EGM of the 21st June 2019 will remember that this was held on the last day of the public consultation period on the draft of the subsequently published Legal Notice 136 of 2019. There were a number of points which the profession unanimously agreed required to be addressed, and three overriding matters which the profession confirmed to be unacceptable. These concerned:

  • the lines of responsibility between the owner / developer, the contractor and the perit in charge following the introduction of the figure of the Site Technical Officer and certain text in the draft which contradicted other legislation and historically established lines of responsibility;
  • the reports and studies required to be submitted, which at the time were considered to be overly onerous for certain small to medium projects; and
  • the urgent need for registration, licensing and classification of contractors.

After seven intense weeks of meetings, negotiations, phone calls and emails, the Council is now in a position to report that significant progress has been made on the various requests made by the EGM, which will be further elaborated upon in this Circular. Some of these points have already been outlined in Circular 10/19, however for the sake of completeness they are being repeated also in this Circular 11/19.


Motions approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Kamra tal-Periti held on the 21st June 2019

The EGM approved a number of motions, including the following four which are directly relevant at this point in time. The motions as approved are reproduced in bold, while the respective outcome as at the date of this Circular is presented in italics.


  1. Building and Construction Regulation Framework

Whereas the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti presented its proposals for a new Building and Construction Regulation Framework during the Extraordinary General Meeting held in November 2018, where such proposals were discussed by the profession; and

Whereas the Council finalised its proposals and sent them to all Warrant Holders in May 2019;

Now, therefore, this Extraordinary General Meeting hereby approves the document “A Modern Building and Construction Regulation Framework for Malta” and the proposals outlined therein, and authorises the Council to present such proposals to Government and to take them forward for implementation.

On this matter, there is convergence with Government that an overhaul to the building and construction regulatory framework is required, and discussions have been under way since May, both with Government and with the various stakeholders. Although discussions with the latter were halted due to the more pressing matters at hand, the Council will be proceeding with its consultation process shortly. So far, the proposals have been positively received and there is a clear commitment from Government to establish a new Building and Construction Authority, the enactment of new building and construction regulations, and the resultant better regulation of the industry. Meetings with Government have been ongoing, and although a number of details still need to be ironed out, the Council is confident that its proposals are being actively and seriously considered, and that there is the political will to achieve a holistic overhaul in the coming months.


  1. Holistic approach to the regulatory framework

Whereas Government published draft amendments to Legal Notice 72 of 2013 on Monday 17th June 2019; and

Whereas the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti has already stated that such amendments constitute a piecemeal approach to the current regulatory system and do nothing to ensure public safety but rather only serve to further confuse the various roles and responsibilities on construction sites;

Now, therefore, this Extraordinary General Meeting of the Kamra tal-Periti demands that Government commits to:

  1. Finalise and enact the Periti Act, in full consultation with the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti, in accordance with the discussions being held by the Council with Government, by the end of October 2019, and this to allow the profession to be better organised, as it has been requesting for the last 12 years;
  2. Immediately enter into discussions with the Council regarding the Kamra’s proposed Building and Construction Regulation Framework, to agree on a timeframe for its implementation, and to consider the Kamra tal-Periti as a key stakeholder and contributor in the process; and
  3. Set up the proposed new Building and Construction Authority, but in the interim to immediately provide the Building Regulation Office with all the necessary financial, human and technical resources it requires to deal with its workload, including putting in place a proper system of Building Regulations and Codes of Practice;
  4. Implement without further delay the obligations of the regulator regarding the certification of building products, both produced locally and imported, as required by the Laws of Malta since 2011.

The Kamra is pleased and proud to announce that, during the inauguration of the exhibition of projects shortlisted for the Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia held on the 25th July 2019, the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Capital Projects, the Hon. Dr. Ian Borg stated Government’s commitment to move the amended Act for Parliamentary approval immediately after Parliament resumes from the current summer recess. This commitment came as a befitting statement to mark the 100th year from the coming into force of the Architects Ordinance on the 25th July 1919. The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti is committed to provide its full co-operation to ensure that this target is met, and looks forward to being instrumental in bringing the profession firmly into the 21st century. The Council is also committed to keep its members updated on progress in this regard.



With regard to the second two points of this motion, progress on these has already been reported in the preceding section of this Circular.

With respect to the fourth point regarding the implementation of the Construction Products Directive, the Council regrets that it was not able to address this more comprehensively in the past weeks due to the overload it was subjected to, however discussions have been held with the BRO and with the Building Industry Consultative Committee (BICC), where the Council stressed the importance of this matter, and this position has been acknowledged by these stakeholders as being of the utmost importance. The Council will continue in its efforts in this regard, and will keep the profession updated accordingly.


  1. Amendments to Legal Notice 72 of 2013

Whereas Government published draft amendments to Legal Notice 72 of 2013 on Monday 17th June 2019; and

Whereas the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti circulated a document with its initial reactions to such draft to all Warrant Holders on Tuesday 18th June 2019; and

Whereas such document outlined six overarching issues which were discussed also during this Extraordinary General Meeting; and

Whereas such document also outlined a number of detailed proposed amendments to various Regulations within the Legal Notice;

Now, therefore, this Extraordinary General Meeting of the Kamra tal-Periti endorses the document circulated on the 18th June 2019 and hereby declares that the Legal Notice as published in draft format is unacceptable, and hereby authorises the Council to request amendments to the Legal Notice in line with the above, subject to the following three points being non-negotiable in the Council’s discussions with Government:

  1. That the only two figures who are responsible for construction works in terms of the Civil Code are the Perit and the Contractor. Therefore, the role of site manager as described in the draft amendments must be assumed within the Contractor’s setup, since the Contractor is obliged to understand and follow the instructions issued by the Perit, and be sufficiently knowledgeable to understand the significance of such instructions. The Contractor may employ or engage a Perit, or a suitably qualified person registered with the Building Regulation Office, without diminishing the responsibility of the Contractor in terms of the Civil Code.
  2. That a Geotechnical Design Report prepared in accordance with MSA EN 1997-1 should be required for all works covered by the Legal Notice, except that the Perit in charge of the project may request an exemption from the Director BRO in circumstances where said Perit deems that such Report is not required, or only parts thereof are needed, and such request is to include detailed reasons for such request for exemption.
  3. That all civil works Contractors are to be registered with the Building Regulation Office by the date of coming into force of the amended Legal Notice and not permitted to work unless they are so registered and a list thereof published, and that a system of licensing based on technical ability, capacity and resources is in place by the end of March 2020.

Periti are reminded that the above motion was based on the contents of the original draft of the Legal Notice as issued for public consultation. On the first point, periti are reminded that the original draft required the Site Technical Officer (STO) to be a perit, or a person deemed to be competent by the perit in charge, and was to be appointed by the developer. The draft also stated that if the developer did not appoint such person, then the role would fall ipso jure on the perit in charge of the project.

Following the EGM, the Legal Notice as eventually published reflected the Kamra’s position that the role of STO be assumed within the Contractor’s setup. However a number of new concerns arose out of the responsibilities assigned to the STO and the perit in charge of the project by the Legal Notice.

Firstly, the definition of the STO’s role in Legal Notice 136 of 2019 stated that such person was to be “nominated by the contractor and shall be approved by the perit in charge of the project.” The Council presented the position that the perit responsible for the development should not have the right to object to the contractor’s choice as long as the chosen STO is recognised by Government as being suitable to undertake such responsibilities.  Indeed, since the STO is meant to supervise the execution of the method statement, it would defeat the purpose of the law to have the perit of the project choose the STO. In addition, the responsibility placed on the perit in charge to “approve” the STO could give rise to issues of ‘culpa in eligendo’ whereby the perit could then be held liable if the appointed STO results to be negligent or incompetent. In this regard, it would have been opportune to divest the perit of the project from the obligation to “approve” the STO.


The Council has worked diligently to remove this obligation from the Legal Notice, taking into consideration concerns raised by the Malta Developers Association about its removal. In the past days, it was agreed that:

  • The word “approved” would be replaced by the word “accepted”, thus eliminating the perit’s exposure to claims of ‘culpa in eligendo’;
  • The uploading of the Site Responsibility Form to the Planning Authority’s eApps system would be considered as a de facto acceptance of the identity of the STO, without diminishing in any way the Contractor’s obligation to appoint a competent person – the Site Responsibility Form will be amended to remove any reference to approval of STOs by the perit in charge;
  • The Legal Notice has been amended through Legal Notice 180 of 2019 to include a wider pool of persons authorised by Government to assume the role of STO;
  • A register of persons satisfying such qualifications and who would like to offer their services in this regard will be published by the BRO;
  • That until such time as the BRO is in a position to create such register, the Kamra tal-Periti will be launching a process of registration for periti who are interested in undertaking such role, and will be forwarding such list to the BRO for publication on its website;
  • The Kamra tal-Periti will be issuing a Services Agreement Template between the Contractor and the STO, which will reflect the requirements currently set out in the Legal Notice, and this in line with the requirements of Article 20 of Tariff K in the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure which requires that the perit and her/his client qua employer agree on the applicable services and fees through an agreement in writing.

 The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti reiterates its position that there remains the risk of multiplying defendants in litigation in the sense that, should a development project lead to court action (whether through defects in construction or damages caused to third parties), it is likely that plaintiffs would proceed not only against the owner/ employer/ developer and the contractor, but also against the perit of the project as well as the  STO. Periti are therefore encouraged not to take on such role before they have fully understood the responsibilities associated with it and before having sought professional advice to ensure that they are suitably competent and covered to take on such role.

In addition to the above, it is to be noted that the Kamra tal-Periti has participated in two meetings over the past weeks with Government, the BRO and other stakeholders, where further definition of the roles of the developer, the contractor and the appointed STO, as well as the perit in charge were discussed, and notes Government’s intention to publish such definitions in the coming weeks, following which the above-mentioned Contract of Engagement may be replaced by another template that would better define the role of the STO, once agreement has been reached on the more detailed definition of such role.

The Council also reminds the profession of its position that concurrent undertaking of the role of perit in charge and STO by the same perit or partnership of periti on the same project is considered to give rise to issues of conflict of interest. The STO is engaged to ensure that the contractor’s obligations at law are met, while the perit in charge of the project is engaged by the owner/ employer/ developer to design, specify and direct the works. This position is, in the opinion of the Council and its legal advisors, in line with the spirit of the Regulations.

On the issue of responsibilities, the Council further notes that the term “perit in charge of the project” is defined in the Legal Notice as “the perit that is going to assume responsibility for the execution of the project approved in the development permit”. The Council has made its position amply clear that the perit in charge of the project is not responsible to execute, however Government has not agreed to amend the text of the Legal Notice in this regard. It is nevertheless noted that, as things stand, the following definitions already exist:

  • The Building Regulation Act defines “perit” as having the meaning as defined by the term “profession”, in the Periti Act; and
  • The Periti Act defines “profession” as follows: “profession” means the profession assuming responsibility for the design and, or, construction of building works, under the generic title of Perit and includes works in architecture and civil and structural engineering.


Despite the fact that the above definitions do not, in the Council’s view, amply cover the role of the perit, it is nevertheless noted that, as outlined above, the promulgation of the amended Periti Act and the establishment of the Building and Construction Authority are imminent, and confirms that the perit’s role will be further defined once such legislative instruments are in place. Meanwhile, in view of the fact that the Legal Notice is published under the Building Regulation Act, which in turn refers to the Periti Act, the Council notes that both these Acts clearly do not place any responsibility in relation to the execution of a project on the perit in charge, and also has Government’s reassurance that such roles as stipulated in the said Acts, as well as in the Civil Code and the Code of Police Laws, would prevail. To this end, the Council will be reviewing the draft Services Agreements that had been presented to the profession and approved at various General Meetings, but were never promulgated pending the revisions to the Periti Act, and will endeavour to issue Standard Agreements in the coming weeks, in line with the developments outlined above. Meanwhile, periti are reminded of their obligation at law to enter into a written contract with their client prior to the provision of any services.


As stated above, the motion being discussed in this Section included another two points, one relating to the studies required to be undertaken prior to the commencement of works and the other relating to the registration of contractors.

With respect to the studies, the Council notes that the draft of the Legal Notice included various provisions regarding the preparation of a Geotechnical Design Report. These were subsequently removed from the Legal Notice as published, however there remains the concern that the requirements of the method statement as defined therein include aspects which should not fall under the responsibility of the perit in charge of the project but rather should fall within the remit of the contractor, such as the type of equipment to be used, the type and certification of cranes, and the procedures to be adopted for the loading and carting away of the resulting debris. This is in line with existing international forms of contract where the contractor is responsible for the temporary works, and the method of works is to be specified by the contractor. Other obligations should lie with the appointed Health & Safety Supervisor such as the requirement to stipulate the precautions and safeguards to be adopted for the safety of persons.

Furthermore, the requirements of the condition report include a number of items which are, in practice, difficult to achieve, such as the identification of the type and dimensions of foundations of the buildings within the affected excavation zone and the estimated bearing pressure at foundation level. Although the Schedule states also that “if information about the foundations of the building is not readily available, this is to be clearly stated in the report and the assumptions made in calculating the bearing pressure are to be described”, the Council is of the opinion that any assumptions which are not evidence-based may expose the perit to additional risks in case of litigation.

In this regard, it is noted that the Council is participating actively on a Working Group which was set up by the BICC following the coming into force of the Legal Notice. This Working Group is formulating its proposals regarding the above, and it is envisaged that these will be concluded in the coming weeks. In light of this, the Kamra hereby recommends that until such time as such exercise is concluded, if any of the content of the Method Statements as outlined in the Legal Notice is, in their opinion, or as a result of contractual obligations between the developer and the contractor, required to be prepared by the contractor or any other consultant or figure within the project setup, then these are to be requested of such responsible person and annexed under such person’s letterhead to the rest of the requirements uploaded onto eApps by the perit.


The third and last aspect of the motion being discussed here related to the registration of contractors, and the EGM’s request that a system of classification and licensing would be in place by March 2020. Following on the Council’s insistence on this point, on the morning before the second EGM, Government announced that registration of contractors would be undertaken as from the 10th July 2019 by the BRO, and that licensing and classification would be in place by the end of the year, thus anticipating the timeframe stipulated by the EGM. This step was announced at a joint press conference headed by Minister Ian Borg and Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius, flanked by the Kamra tal-Periti and the Malta Developers Association, on the 5th July 2019.

It later transpired that the BRO delegated this task to the Malta Developers Association, in what seems to be merely an exercise in collection of data, and not registration as originally requested by the Kamra, and as already required by the Building Regulation Act. While it may be argued that this process is not in line with the Act, it is nevertheless a start, and we hope that we will see the ultimate goal of enacting a proper system of licensing and classification coming into force by December. In this regard, the Council has taken a pro-active approach by drafting proposals for a Legal Notice to establish a workable system that will also lead to better procurement processes and to clear identification of contractor competences. We are working incessantly to ensure that this comes to fruition in the coming months, and there is commitment from Government’s end to see this through.


  1. Supplementary provisions to Legal Notice 72 of 2013

In addition to the principles approved in Motion 4, this Extraordinary General Meeting of the Kamra tal-Periti hereby resolves that the following matters be enacted, and hereby authorises the Council to demand that:

  1. The Legal Notice includes a provision that if the developer qua owner/employer or the Contractor refuses to comply with the Perit’s instructions on matters related to structural integrity, then said Perit may suspend the works and shall lodge a report with the Building Regulation Office;
  2. That a list of licenced masons, and whose licence is currently valid is published by the date of coming into force of the amended Legal Notice;
  3. That the declaration on the planning application form whereby the applicant Perit is made to “assume the direction and responsibility of the work referred to in this application” is immediately removed from said form;
  4. That the Commencement Notice submitted by the Perit to the Planning Authority is to contain only the details of the Applicant, and of any Monitors and Experts required as per the conditions of permit, and the relevant declarations, and that this system is in place by the end of June 2019;
  5. That a new Commencement Notice is created which will be submitted to the Building Regulation Office and which will contain the details and relevant declarations of the persons identified in Schedule 2 of the Legal Notice, and that this system is in place by the end of June 2019;
  6. That a Notice of Completion of Civil and Structural Works be created and required to be submitted to the Building Regulation Office together with a set of as-built structural drawings;
  7. That all of the above are to be executed in full consultation with the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti.


With regard to point (1) above, although this request was not acceded to, it is to be noted that the Legal Notice as published includes the following provisions:

 “10. (1) When the site technical officer is in doubt about how works are to proceed, he shall stop the works and request direction from the perit who would have prepared the method statement.

(2) The site technical officer shall ensure that the contractor is complying with all their obligations as provided for in these regulations. If the site technical officer notices any violation of these regulations, he shall immediately stop the works and notify the perit(i) in charge and the Building Regulation Office.

(3) Upon being served with an enforcement notice issued by the Director, the site technical officer shall immediately communicate this notice to the contractor and the perit(i) and see to it that this order is complied with by ceasing the demolition, excavation and/or construction activity, as applicable.”

It also places a number of obligations on the Director of the BRO in cases where works are not proceeding according to the approved method statement, including the serving of enforcement notices and calling in the assistance of the Police Force to halt the works.


It is the Council’s opinion that these provisions adequately provide for a clear process, led by and under the responsibility of the STO, to ensure that the works are in line with the Legal Notice. This does not, however, preclude the perit in charge from also lodging an independent report if it transpires that the contractor, the appointed STO and/or the developer are not abiding by their obligations in terms of the Legal Notice, and periti are encouraged to do so if the situation so requires in order to protect their interests and the interests of third parties. Periti are also reminded that they are also empowered to order the suspension of the Works, verbally and in writing, if the situation so requires, and to notify the owner / employer / client of such suspension writing. No works are to be carried out under the direction of the perit until such time as the situation is rectified to the perit’s satisfaction. It is also recommended that such reports and communications are copied to the Kamra tal-Periti.


Point (2) above has already been discussed in the preceding section of this Circular, and the list of licenced masons is now available on the website of the BRO. Periti are reminded that Directive 04/19 remains in force.


With regard to point (4) above, this was discussed with the Planning Authority (PA) some weeks ago, and where the Council proposed that the Commencement Notice submitted to the PA should only contain information on those figures within the project setup that are required to be identified under the Development Planning Act, or as a result of the conditions of permit, while any figures within the project setup required under the Building Regulation Act or the Occupational Health and Safety Act would be submitted to the BRO, as outlined in point (5) above. The creation of the Site Responsibility Form has effectively addressed these concerns, and separated the roles and responsibilities related to planning from those related to the construction process. As outlined in Section 3 above, the Site Responsibility Form is being amended in line with the Kamra’s requests, and discussions will be taken up once again with the PA to align the two forms and to ensure no overlap between the two. This will include the EGM’s request as outlined in point (c) above, on which the Council understands that there is no objection from the PA.


With regard to point (6), it is noted that the Legal Notice as published after the first EGM stipulates at Regulation 6(6) that “On completion of the project, the developer shall, within two (2) weeks, submit a certification issued by the perit in charge of the project that the works have been completed. For the purpose of this sub-regulation project completion shall mean the completion of all structural and other works including the roof, screed of roofs, terraces and yards, the closure of apertures and other works to render the building sealed against the ingress of water.” This addresses the first part of point (f). The Council will be pushing for the second part regarding the submission of as-built drawings as part of its discussions in line with its document “A Modern Framework for Building and Construction Regulations” which already contemplates this proposal and which document was endorsed by the EGM.


Follow up on Extraordinary General Meeting of the 5th July 2019

The second EGM was held on the 5th July 2019. At the time, some of the points outlined above had not as yet been resolved, and therefore the position presented by the Council at such EGM was still a “works in progress”. In this context, the Council had noted that, in its opinion the Legal Notice in its entirety required various adjustments, also to bring it in line with already established local and international practices, and to ensure that it is a workable legislative instrument which truly ensures public safety. The Council had highlighted a number of points which were more important than others and which, in its opinion, required immediate attention. The below is a summary of such points (in bold), together with a brief outline of the status as at the date of this Circular (in italics):


Lines of responsibility between the developer, the perit in charge and the contractor in view of the fact that the Legal Notice contradicts historically established practices, both locally and internationally

On this matter, it is noted that all the points raised in the preceding parts of the Circular are intended to further clarify such roles, and while Government has not agreed to amend the Legal Notice in this sense, the Council is satisfied that the additional safeguards provided by the measures outlined above will give adequate protection to periti, both in their role as perit in charge, or in their role as STO if they decide to take on such role.  As already outlined above, the Council is currently in discussions with the Ministry and the BRO, to address the anomalies highlighted by the Kamra on several occasions.


The definition of ‘perit in charge’

This point has been elaborated on in the preceding section A(3) above. Although it would have been preferable to have an immediate resolution of this point, the Council is of the opinion, in light of the other safeguards and commitments by Government to achieve a resolution over the coming months, that it is acceptable to retain the definition for the interim period. The Council will be working diligently and persistently to ensure that this point, and the immediately preceding one, are addressed without delay.


The role of the Site Technical Officer (STO), which as defined in the Legal Notice, includes the requirement for the STO to be “present on site whenever decisions are being taken that influence the risk of damage to third party property or injury to persons that may be caused by the works”. However, the definition of the STO’s role also requires her/him to be “responsible for the enforcement of the method statement covering the works which the contractor who nominates him is responsible for.” The “enforcement” of the method statement automatically implies that the STO’s presence on site is much more onerous than being there only when decisions are taken (also considering that the word “decisions” is not really defined). The Legal Notice also implies that if the contractor does not abide by the method statement, the STO may be held responsible, in her/his professional capacity, for the contractor’s failures.

As outlined in Section A(3) above, the role of the STO will be further defined in the coming weeks, and the Council is actively involved in outlining the requirements of such role. Meanwhile a Standard Services Agreement will be put forward for use by periti interested in taking on such role. Kindly refer to Section A(3) above for further details on what this entails. It must, in any case be stressed that having an STO on site should not detract from any of the obligations of the perit in charge to monitor the works regularly in order to ascertain that they are compliant with her/his specifications.


The requirement that the Site Technical Officer (STO) is to be approved by the perit in charge

Kindly refer to Section A(3) above.


Competences required to carry out the role of STO

At the time of coming into force, the Legal Notice only contemplated periti as being able to carry out this role. Government has now amended the Legal Notice to allow persons with a Bachelor in Engineering to also take on this role.

It is to be noted that the Council had presented a list of other competences for Government’s consideration, also keeping in mind Malta’s obligations in terms of the Services in the Internal Market Directive, since the Legal Notice appears to exclude the participation of foreign professionals for this specific role. It is understood that these proposals are still being actively considered.

Nevertheless it is important to note that periti are ethically obliged not to undertake roles for which s/he is not appropriately qualified or knowledgeable, and this also applies for the role of STO.


Works Specifications vs Method Statement.

This point has been elaborated on in Section A(3) above.


Distinction between temporary and permanent works

This point ties in with the preceding one, and is being discussed by the BICC Working Group mentioned above. One of the main concerns with the Legal Notice is that it does not make any distinction between the “permanent works”, i.e. the final building structure, and the “temporary works”, i.e. the process of erecting such structure. The former is the responsibility of the perit, while the latter is the responsibility of the contractor, under the perit’s direction. Ultimately, the perit and the contractor carry joint liability for the structural integrity of the final structure in terms of the Civil Code. The terms “permanent works” and “temporary works” are internationally well defined, and are also used locally in a number of projects. Clarifying the works falling under each aspect would make it easier to clarify roles and responsibilities for each. As stated earlier, the Council is actively involved in further defining these terms and there is commitment from Government to include these as part of the legislation that will establish the new Building and Construction Authority.


The use of Regulations 25 and 26 which deal with the option for the submission of requests for exemption from abiding by all, or parts, of the Legal Notice

At the time of the EGM, the Council was still unsure as to how these would be working, however since then it has had several discussions with the Ministry and BRO, and has worked well with both to come up with solutions through the introduction of the relevant application forms, even though the Council is still of the opinion that some of the wording of the forms requires amendment. In view of the republication of the Legal Notice, some of these forms will need to be amended again, and there is commitment from Government to effect amendments to such forms in consultation with the Kamra in order to safeguard the profession in terms of the declarations made on such forms.  


There are several discrepancies between the Maltese and English versions. Although at law the Maltese version prevails, the Council is of the opinion that it is important that certain glaring differences between the two versions are amended especially when considering the number of foreign periti, contractors and developers operating in Malta who would more naturally refer to the English text.

Government has not aligned the Maltese and English versions by the time of drafting of this Circular. Periti are advised to refer to the Maltese version as the one which takes precedence at law. The Kamra tal-Periti will do its best to issue a Circular shortly that highlights the discrepancies between the two versions to assist those members of the profession who are not proficient in the Maltese language to better understand their obligations


Way forward

The matters outlined above are recorded in a Letter of Commitment (see link below), issued under the signature of the Hon Minister Dr Ian Borg and the Permanent Secretary Mr Christopher Cutajar. In view of the above, the Council will be issuing a new Directive to all periti in the coming hours.

Members of the profession are invited to read through this Circular and such Directive carefully, and to submit any comments or queries on Periti are also encouraged to seek legal advice on their position in relation to any Service Agreements entered into prior to the coming into force of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, or in the interim period until the coming into force of Legal Notice 180 of 2019, as well as in relation to any new Service Agreements they intend to undertake from now on, pending the publication by the Kamra tal-Periti of standard Service Agreements in the coming weeks.




All Directives and Circulars are being sent to all periti who are on the Kamra’s database. If you meet colleagues who are not receiving such communications, kindly ask them to send an email to so that the records can be updated.



Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



PR 24/19 | Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia 2019 recognises the sterling work of the profession

Verzjoni bil-Malti

It was a hundred years ago, on the 25th July 1919, that Herbert Plumer, then Governor of Malta, brought into force the Architects’ Ordinance, which governed the profession of Land Surveyor and Architect and paved the way for the establishment of the profession of Architect and Civil Engineer (Perit) as we know it today. The Kamra tal-Periti marked this occasion with the second edition of the Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia, which celebrates the work of the local profession and recognises excellence in architecture, civil engineering, urban regeneration and interior design.

The profession is characterised by gestures and interaction with physical space, and it was therefore fitting to accompany the Premju Galizia with a public exhibition of some of the best projects the profession has produced over the past year. Projects that range from the national scale, such as the two urban regeneration finalist projects, to more intimate interior design projects.

This exhibition, which will run until the 2nd August 2019 at the Ġnien il-Biskuttin adjacent to the Christ the King monument in Floriana, is representative of the breadth and diversity of the profession’s competences and skills, and is intended, in part, to counterbalance the negative perception surrounding the industry, of which the profession forms part.

Design has a direct impact on our quality of life and the environment. The Kamra tal-Periti is firmly committed to assist government in every which way to ensure that our urban environment makes a marked shift towards ever higher quality and standards.

The Awards were presented during an elegant Gala Dinner held on the 25th July 2019 at the Phoenicia Hotel, with over 200 periti and guests in attendance. The excitement and comraderie were palpable, as this event served as yet another occasion for the profession to come together, share its successes, and discuss important issues that affect it on a day to day basis.

The following is a list of the winners of the various Awards:


President’s Award for Best Overall ProjectChris Briffa Architects for Reef Guest House, Bahrain
President’s Award Special CommendationValentino Architects for threeplusone
Quality Architecture AwardMJMDA for Limber Lattice
Urban Regeneration AwardPeriti at GHRC and MTIP for Triton Square & Fountain Project
Housing Project AwardValentino Architects for threeplusone
International Project AwardChris Briffa Architects for Reef Guest House, Bahrain
Emerging Practice Special CommendationArchi+
Interior Spaces AwardMMK Studio for Qormi Industrial Minimalist Home
Interior Spaces Special CommendationForward Architects for AX Rosselli Privilege
M. Arch. Thesis Project AwardMartina Cutajar for Chance and Order in Architectural Production
M. Arch. Dissertation AwardAndrew Borg Wirth for True Thick and Thin: Architecture as an Implication
M. Eng. Thesis Project AwardEmmanuel Bonello for The Sea Maiden
M. Eng. Dissertation AwardLucia Calleja for Auxetics in Architecture: A Study on Geometry and Topology



The Council also awarded a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award to Emanuele Luigi Galizia, one of the most prolific and important architects of 19th century Malta, and after whom the Awards are named. The Award was received by Mr Francis Galea Naudi and Mr Rob Galea, who are direct descendants of Galizia.

This year’s Premju Galizia was sponsored by JM Vassallo Vibro Steel Ltd and Satariano, and supported by Brands International Ltd, Halmann Vella, Vivendo Group, AX Group, Bathroom Design Malta, Creations, Light Design Solutions and The Farsons Foundation.



Notes to press:

  1. A full press pack has been sent out to the press. Please contact us on for more information.
  2. Photographers of the winning projects and events are to be credited when published
  3. Our main sponsors, J.M. Vibro Steel Limited (JMV) and Satariano, are to be mentioned in all reporting regarding the event.
  4. Further information about the Awards can be found here:
  5. Further information about Emanuele Luigi Galizia can be found here: